
monomania n.單狂,偏癖,偏執狂〔熱中于一物或一事〕。n.-man...


Therefore , comparatively , the entrepreneur is provided with radical mental characteristics : enthusiasm , monomania , imaginativeness , and entrepreneurship ; self - confidence , strong desire of achievement ; rebelliousness and adventurousness 該文對企業家與職業經理的心理特質差異進行探討,豐富了原有研究。

He might have had a monomania on the subject of his departed idol ; but on every other point his wits were as sound as mine 他也許對他那死去的偶像有點偏執狂可是在其他方面,他的頭腦是跟我一樣地健全的。

“ it is the sort of malady which we call monomania , “ said the doctor “這種病我們叫做偏執狂。 ”醫生說道。

The western world was indeed black with homicidal monomania . 西方世界的確被殺人狂抹黑了。