
monologue n.【戲劇】獨白;獨白場面;獨腳戲劇本;(不使別人開口的...


Forty - five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted during five - minute intervals while they watched monologues by late - night talk show hosts david letterman and jay leno 45名志愿者在觀看大衛?賴特曼和杰?雷諾主持的午夜脫口秀節目時,在中間五分鐘的休息時段大嚼土豆片。

Forty - five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted during five - minute intervals while they watched monologues by late - night talk show hosts david letterman and jay leno 45名志愿者在觀看大衛賴特曼和杰雷諾主持的午夜脫口秀節目時,在中間五分鐘的休息時段大嚼土豆片。

That question inspired “ the sperm monologues “ , a thought - provoking new play at the edinburgh fringe arts festival about the motives behind these video time capsules 愛丁堡藝穗節上一個引人深思的話劇恰恰受啟發于此。精子獨白就是要發掘爸爸們錄制這些歷史錄像的初衷。

“ sperm monologues “ : what to tell your unborn child some sperm donation clinics invite men to leave a message behind for their unborn child to hear when they are 18 一些精子捐贈診所邀請“爸爸”們對還未出生的寶寶說幾句話,以便孩子們18歲的時候能夠聽到。

This was followed by monologue , which is composed of the weblogs of developers working on novell ximian s mono implementation of the . net runtime and c compiler see Net運行時和c #編譯器的項目mono , monologue就是由這個項目的開發人員的weblog組成的(請參閱

Characters ' language is usually composed of dialogues and monologues or psycho - language , and only dialogues happen between two characters or among more characters 其中唯有對話發生在兩人或兩人以上相互交流的情景之中,是人物性格的感情流露和意向表示。

Harry in this movie is more or less the same . although he doesn t speak a lot , we can still hear his monologues in voiceover over and over again 然而如此,可以看出編導djinn始終有很多說話、很多信息不吐不快,所以冗長的“ talkinghead “式對白仍然存在。

Sit only if absolutely required by the monologue . two straight back chairs will be provided . do not use properties . pantomime any necessary objects 除非獨白需要,不然請勿坐著。現場會提供兩張椅子。請勿使用道具。如果有需要的物品,請用假裝的方式。

The live album just released by the record company was the recording of the 8th show ( i . e . the last show ) , including 29 songs , music and monologues 唱片公司日前發行的演唱會現場收音大碟,收錄了第八場(即最后一場)內的廿九組歌曲、樂曲與獨白。

Second , it exhibits the interdependence among teaching subjects . thirdly , as contrasted to the conservation , dullness and stereotypes of monologue teaching 對話型語文教學作為一種全新的教育理念,體現出與獨白式教學全然不同的特點。

What do they say ? that question inspired “ the sperm monologues “ , a thought - provoking new play at the edinburgh fringe arts festival 這一問題激發了英國話劇精子的獨白的創作靈感。這部引人深思的話劇近日正在愛丁堡邊緣藝術節期間上演。

Caprice made her theater debut this winter , starring in the critically acclaimed show “ the vagina monologues “ in london s west end 而最令她開心的是英國itv特別為她度身訂做了個旅游節目更命名為caprice travels 。

Cutting off a customer or prospect and jumping in with your own monologue when they ' re telling you about their situation is just plain dumb 在消費者和顧客向你講述他們的遭遇時打斷他們,然后自己唱獨角戲是愚蠢的。

There are now at least three codebases for creating such sites , originating with monologue , planet gnome , and planet rdf 現在最少有3個代碼庫可以用來創建這樣的網站,分別源自monologue 、 planet gnome和planet rdf 。

The operatic dialogues and monologues are recited in beijing dialect , and some of the words are pronounced in a special fashion , unique to the opera 京劇的臺詞和對白采用北京方言,有些詞用京劇的特殊腔調說出來。

The interviewers will either ask you some basic questions about yourself or ask you to give a brief monologue introducing yourself 面試官會問你一些關于你自基本情況的問題,或是要求你簡短的做一下自我介紹的獨白。

In one infamous blowup at the end of the 2002 season , he repeated “ talking about practice “ nearly 20 times during a rambling monologue 2002年賽季末他曾有一次昭著的爆發,他不斷叨叨著“談談訓練”大概20次之多。

The sperm monologues are not about men ' s liberation , but what we want to say is we do have feelings and we want to be noticed . 精子獨白卻不是關于男性的解放,我們只是想表達我們也有感情,我們需要被關注。 ”

The sperm monologues are not about men s liberation , but what we want to say is we do have feelings and we want to be noticed . 精子獨白卻不是關于男性的解放,我們只是想表達我們也有感情,我們需要被關注。 ”