
monolith n.磐石,獨石;獨石柱[碑、像];整料。adj.-ic ...


To reach top - ranking engineering quality and build topping three gorges project , concrete construction techniques have been further unproved , and new equipments , new materials , new techniques and new craftworks have been extensively used in construction of flood - discharging monoliths in second - stage project of three gorges project , which has obtained favorable economic benefit and social benefit 在三峽二期工程泄洪壩段混凝土工程施工中,為創造一流的工程質量,建設一流的三峽工程,混凝土施工技術得到進一步的改進和提高,新設備、新材料、新技術、新工藝得到廣泛的推廣和應用,取得了良好的經濟效益和社會效益。

You may take an optional cruise on lake powell , with a shoreline of 1960 mile to navajo indian reservation . arrive at the mountain valley in the afternoon . mammoth monoliths and immense rock spires stretch heavenward from the desert floor 早上驅車前往參觀位于大峽谷上游科羅拉多河上的榕林峽谷水壩,偉大的水利工程,造福了三百萬亞利桑那州的居民同時,可以自費乘船游覽包偉湖,其湖岸線長1960英哩,其中有96個峽谷,猶如將大峽谷搬到湖上一般。

Through analyzing the seepage observation data of huangtankou concrete gravity dam , foundation seepage behavior are reasonably evaluated . the reason of seepage force rising of individual monolith is impervious elements “ flaw and drain holes “ block . 4 分析黃壇口大壩壩基滲流監測資料,正確評價了壩基防滲排水系統的工作狀態,指出了個別壩段滲透壓力升高是由于壩基防滲帷幕缺陷和排水孔被堵造成,為工程加固提供了科學依據。

According to its configuration , the monolith is considered to be a porous media . based on the monolith model and the use of software fluent , the research on the light - off characteristic and conversion efficiency of three - way catalytic converter is processed 在所建催化轉化器模型的基礎上,根據載體具有分布細小孔道的特點,將其作為多孔介質處理,利用fluent軟件,對冷起動階段三效催化轉化器的起燃特性和轉化效率作了數值模擬。

At last , the impact of the monolith length , cell density , wall thickness and noble metal dosage on the light - off characteristic and conversion efficiency of three - way catalytic converter are analyzed and could provide a guide for the optimization of three - way catalytic converter 本文還對載體長度、孔密度、孔道壁厚和催化劑用量對催化轉化器起燃特性和轉化效率的影響進行了分析,為載體參數的優化設計提供了依據。

Taking into account of water level and temperature , horizontal displacement monitoring control index of typical monolith of huangtankou concrete gravity dam is determined by the improved method of probability , which can be used as a reference for dam safety monitoring 綜合考慮水位溫度對壩體位移的影響,采用改進小概率法,擬定了黃壇口重力壩壩頂水平位移監控指標,為今后一定時段內大壩安全監控提供參考。

In this paper , a cfd simulation model for steady flow in the honeycomb wall - flow ceramic monolith filter element of a diesel particulate trap is established and solved with discretization and segregated solver 摘要研究的柴油機微粒捕集器采用目前應用最為廣泛的壁流式蜂窩陶瓷作為過濾體,根據其結構對稱性和內部流動數學模型,建立了穩態層流的過濾體內部流動cfd仿真模型,并運用離散格式分離求解器進行求解。

The paper reviews the developments and the new trends of the monolithic stationary phase on ion chromatography , including the advantages and the classification of monoliths , as well as their applications for the separation and analysis of ionic molecules 本文就離子色譜領域整體固定相的發展以及最新的研究動向進行了綜述,討論了離子色譜整體固定相的優點、分類以及在分離分析離子態物質方面的應用等。

Alive construction simulating is applied to simulate the no . 9 monolith construction process of three gorges hydropower station . the results indicate that the values of the monitoring instruments coincide with the calculated results 在三峽工程大壩混凝土施工仿真中實現了混凝土施工實時仿真計算,計算結果與壩體實測結果吻合較好,驗證了混凝土施工實時仿真計算這種方法的科學性和實用性。

Based on the development of these materials , the applications of mesoporous silica and its hybrid particles , chiral mesoporous silicas and mesoporous silica monoliths in the stationary phases of chromatography are described 重點評述了顆粒狀無機介孔硅膠材料、顆粒狀有機無機復合介孔硅膠材料、手性介孔硅膠材料和整塊介孔硅膠材料在用作液相色譜固定相方面的最新進展。

The uniform concavity of black cloud was lifting bodily like the lid of a pot , letting in at the earth s edge the coming day , against which the towering monoliths and trilithons began to be blackly defined 滿天的烏云像一個大鍋蓋,正在整個地向上揭起,把姍姍來遲的黎明從大地的邊上放進來,因此矗立在那兒的孤獨石柱和兩根石柱加一根橫梁的牌坊,也露出了黑色的輪廓。

Regeneration of the monolith is the great difficulty in design of diesel particulate filter ( dpf ) whose domestic research is at the just beginning and the recent basic resorts are experimental methods 柴油機微粒捕集器的設計難點是過濾體的再生技術,目前國內對微粒捕集器再生技術的研究還處于起步階段,其研究手段基本上還是試驗。

The place took its name from a stone pillar which stood there , a strange rude monolith , from a stratum unknown in any local quarry , on which was roughly carved a human hand 那是一根奇怪的粗糙的用整塊石頭做成的柱子,在任何本地的采石場里,都找不到這種石頭,在這塊石頭的上面,粗糙地刻了一只人手。

Uluru , an immense monolith , and kata tjuta , the rock domes located west of uluru , form part of the traditional belief system of one of the oldest human societies in the world 烏盧魯是巨大的獨體巖塊,卡塔曲塔則是位于烏盧魯西部的圓屋頂形石塊,這形成了世界上最古老人類社會傳統信仰體系的一部分。

This thought is better than the conventional software thought ; 2 . the slrcp construction of no . 9 steel - tube dam monolith of three - gorges hydropower station left workshop is studied 對左廠9 #鋼管壩段壩后背管進行了混凝土施工仿真計算,得到了壩后背管混凝土施工期典型的溫度場與應力場。

Such a strategy is based on the direct synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymeric fibers ( monoliths ) using silica capillaries as molds , with silica being etched away after polymerization 這種技術以二氧化硅毛細管為模型直接合成分子印跡聚合纖維(單體) ,聚合完成后除去二氧化硅。

In the beginning of cold - start , the monolith is heated only by the gas ; after light - off , the monolith is heated by the heat released by the chemical reaction 在冷起動初始階段,載體僅受排氣的加熱;當載體的溫度達到起燃溫度后,化學反應伴隨的放熱進一步加熱載體,使其溫度迅速上升。

Plates for thin - layer chromatography ( tlc ) with an attached layer of porous polymer monolith have been prepared and used for the separation of small molecules , peptides , and proteins 制備了涂覆有整體多孔聚合涂層的薄層色譜( tlc )板,并將其用于小分子、肽段和蛋白質的分離。

This paper carries on the 3d finite element structure analysis for power house monolith with a bulb turbine hydropower station located in the upstream of huang river as the carrier 摘要以黃河上游擬建的某燈泡貫流式水電站為載體,對廠房壩段整體進行了三維有限元結構分析。