
monolingual adj.用一種語言表達的,只懂一種語言的。n.只懂一種語...


Results showed that all children chose familiar objects when they heard familiar words and chose unfamiliar objects when they heard unfamiliar words and pseudowords . 6 - year - old children chose unfamiliar picture more often than 4 - year - old children , but there was no difference between bilingual and monolingual group 結果發現各組幼兒在熟悉名稱的條件下全部指認熟悉物;在非熟悉名稱及假詞名稱的條件下,大都指認非熟悉物,且六歲幼兒的比率顯著大于四歲組,但是單語和雙語幼兒間并無顯著差異。

The sentence “ the cat was barking “ is an example . bilingual children are better at deciding the sentence is grammatically correct than are monolingual children , who are often unable to consider grammar separately when the meaning of the sentence ( i . e . , cats do not bark ) is not sensible 以那只貓在吠為例:語法上這句子是正確的,它具有句子的基本元素;但語意上這句子并不成立,因為貓是不會吠的。

A key implication of the findings - reported in the us publication proceedings of the national academy of science - is that children exposed to different languages grow into more tolerant adults than their monolingual mates 《美國國家科學院匯刊》報道了這些調查結果的關鍵之處:通曉多種不同語言的孩子長大成人后比只懂一種語言的同伴更加寬容。

Three experiments were designed to investigate the mechanism of children ' s acquiring new words and speech productivity for 30 4 - year - old and 6 - year - old mandarin - english bilingual and mandarin monolingual children 摘要本研究以30名不同年齡的國英雙語和單語幼兒為對象進行三個實驗,主要目的在探討幼兒詞匯學習策略和說話產生量。

A key implication of the findings - reported in the us publication proceedings of the national academy of science - is that children exposed to different languages grow into more tolerant adults than their monolingual mates 美國國家科學院報說,這一發現暗示著同時聽不同語言的孩子比那些只聽單一語言的成長得更有接納性。

Academy of science - is that children exposed to different languages grow into more tolerant adults than their monolingual mates 《美國國家科學院學報》報道了這些調查結果的關鍵之處:通曉多種不同語言的孩子長大成人后比只懂一種語言的同伴更加寬容。

The monolingual speaker , whether of english or of any other language , is impoverished in comparison with those who speak more than one language 與其他會講超過一種語言的人相比,只講一種語言的人,無論是英語還是其它任何語言,會很貧乏。

A brief review on the approaches to usage in monolingual dictionary is of fered in this paper , which can be used as a good example for china ' s lexicographers 語言學中的許多研究成果,尤其是語用學的研究成果大量應用在詞典編纂中。

Research by australian universities has shown that a = = monolingual country often performs worse in international trade and diplomacy 澳大利亞大學的研究顯示僅懂一種語言的國家往往在國際貿易和外交上表現較差。

Research by australian universities has shown that a monolingual country often performs worse in international trade and diplomacy 澳大利亞大學的研究表明,單語國家通常在國際貿易和外交中表現不佳

Canadian researchers came to these conclusions after studying videos of babies from monolingual and bilingual homes 加拿大研究者在研究了單語家庭和雙語家庭中生活的寶寶的錄像后得出這些結論。

These sources include : different monolingual and bilingual dictionaries , encyclopedias , and the internet 這些來源包括:不同的單語和雙語字典、百科全書以及互聯網。

Guidelines for the establishment and development of thesauri ; monolingual thesauri 主題詞表編制和擴充導則.單語種主題詞表

A review of monolingual dictionaries for advanced learners of english in the 20th century 20世紀英語高階學習詞典研究

Guidelines for the construction , format , and management of monolingual thesauri 單語種主題詞表的構建格式和管理指南

Not all americans are monolingual , of course 當然并不是所有的美國人都只會一種語言。