
monograph n.專題著作[論文],專論。n.-er 專題文章的作者。...


Its tasks should relate in particular to establishing community herbal monographs relevant for the registration as well as the authorisation of herbal medicinal products 其任務主要是建立適用于草藥品注冊和授權的共同體草藥專論。

In addition , we also thank them for providing rare photographs for publications in this monograph , which greatly enrich its contents 這一切有賴前輩影人們的支持,他們慷慨提供的珍貴照片,大大豐富了本書的內容,特別向您們致敬!

Their monograph summarized the theory developed before 1970 ' s , and established a general framework of the theory of linear degenerate elliptic equations 因此,其適定性的研究也是值得深入討論的。全文共四章,第一章為緒論。

A prolific social scientist , professor leung has published five monographs and more than 100 articles in international academic journals and book chapters 梁教授著作甚豐,曾出版五本專書及逾一百篇國際學術期刊或書刊文章。

Professional experience : mr . chen has been engaged in patent for 4 years , and published many law papers and four monographs focus on intellectual property law 從事專利代理工作5年,已發表多篇法學論文,出版四本知識產權專著

Major : digestive internal medcine and diabetes therapy . he has studied on diabetes in japan for two years and published over 30 articles and monographs 在日本曾專題研究糖尿病二年,同時發表學術專業論文和專著三十多篇。

Publishing the tolo theological series , the chuen king series , the pommerenke series , the good shepherd series and other theological monographs 出版吐露叢書、傳經講座系列、萬倫講座系列、牧愛叢書、神學專刊等。

A growing collection of mathematical errata , corrections , and addenda to textbooks , monographs , and journal articles -綜合性數學譯刊,精選國際數學刊物中數學發展趨勢與現狀數學爭鳴數學史及人物傳記的文章。

The academic staff has published 300 papers , more than 70 % of them in core journals , and 50 academic monographs 近年來我院教師累計發表學術論文300余篇,其中70 %以上發表在核心期刊上;出版學術專著50余部。

There are several hundreds of monographs on laughter so far in the world that are well - known 人為什么會笑,笑的原因主要在于主體,抑或在于客體,還是在于主體與客體的關系,是個值得研究的課題。

Thank the authors for inviting me to share their contributions earlier . and i am really pleased to recommend this monograph to you 感謝作者讓我先睹為快!同時,我也誠懇地向大家推薦這本力作。

The book is also the first monograph in the world , which comprehensively summarizes and studies the naxi musical history as well 該書是國內外有史以來第一部全面總結研究納西族音樂歷史的專著。

Products should comply with quality standards in relevant european pharmacopoeia monographs or those in the pharmacopoeia of a member state 產品質量應符合歐洲藥典專論或成員國的藥典要求。

He is the author of two monograph books , chief editor or the first author of five books , and co - author of two books 主要研究領域:俄羅斯政治、外交、社會轉型、大國關系、國際政治理論等。

In recent years , the newspaper in china has developed quickly . the monograph has also changed greatly 近年來,全國的報業在改革中有了較大發展,專刊隨之有了較大變化。

Epic janggar and mongols religious culture . monograph , inner - mongolian university press , 1999 . hohhot 《江格爾與蒙古族宗教文化》 ,呼和浩特:內蒙古大學出版社, 1999年。

These statistics were culled from dr . donald t . lunde ' s recent monograph , murder and madness 以上統計數字是從唐納德?倫德醫生最近的專題文章《兇殺和瘋狂》摘錄下來的。

Online journals , article collections , and monographs in electronic form : access is free -數學的理論與現代工業技相結合的綜合性學術刊物,中國工業與應用數學學會會刊。

In the late 1820s and 1830s he began writing monographs and essays on a variety of economic topics 最遲在1820年到1830年間,他開始圍繞各種經濟話題撰寫專著和論文。