
monogram n.(姓名、名稱等首字母組合成的)組合文字,花押字。ad...


Everything was luxurious after the restaurant fashion ; the china was ornamented with a gold line and lacked the customary monogram ; the silver had become worn and tarnished through dint of continual washings ; the glass was of the kind that you can complete an odd set of in any cheap emporium 這種奢華是飯店式的:瓷器上有金線作裝飾,沒有主人姓名起首字母組成的圖案,銀器由于不斷的洗刷,已經用舊了,失去了光澤,水晶玻璃杯也是在任何市場上都可以買到配套的東西。

I had used the chinese brush and ink painting technique to paint it as it was then . unexpectedly i found a photograph of it in an old album . it made me think of the chinese monogram painting , i . e . to paint using chinese ink only with no color added 曾用水墨寫實畫過一幅寫生,無意中在照片中找到,對水墨素描這個題目,不禁有感而發寫來,喜畫水墨的朋友如有興,不妨參考參考,以此法在生宣上試試,是不是與西方的寫生水彩,同出一轍?

For my own part , though my monogram figured on none of marguerite ' s dressing - cases , the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which i have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted 而我呢,雖然瑪格麗特任何一件用品上都沒有我姓名的開頭字母,可是我剛才承認過的那種出于本能的寬容和那種天生的憐憫,使我對她的死久久不能忘懷,雖說她也許并不值得我如此想念。

For my own part , though my monogram figured on none of marguerite s dressing - cases , the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which i have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted 而我呢,雖然瑪格麗特任何一件用品上都沒有我姓名的開頭字母,可是我剛才承認過的那種出于本能的寬容和那種天生的憐憫,使我對她的死久久不能忘懷,雖說她也許并不值得我如此想念。

From every window in the streets through which he had passed draperies and flags with his monogram had been hanging , and polish ladies had been waving handkerchiefs to welcome him . at dinner he sat balashov beside him , and addressed him affably 他所走過的各條街道,家家戶戶的窗口都懸掛著毛毯旗幟和皇帝姓名的花字,波蘭婦女們都向他揮動手絹,表示尊敬。

A man ' s face as a rule says more , and more interesting things , than his mouth , for it is a compendium of everything his mouth will ever say , in that it is the monogram of all this man ' s thoughts and aspirations 一般而言,和嘴相比,一個人的臉說得更多,因為臉把他的嘴會說的任何事情都提綱攜領地做了交代,在那個提綱中的是這個人的思想和熱望的點點滴滴。

The more a designer takes the name or monogram and tries to add credibility traits , the less recognizable the name or monogram become 網站設計者越希望在名稱與字母組合中添加可信性元素,名稱與字母組合的識別性越差。

He purchased a box of delicately coloured and scented writing paper in monogram , which he kept locked in one of the drawers 他買了一盒子顏色雅致,上面有他姓名首字母的香水信紙,他把這些信紙鎖在辦公室的一個抽屜里。

The monogram and logotype that comprise our corporate logo have been carefully designed to work together as a whole 我們公司的標志是透過將文字交織及連合活字合而為一的細心設計而構成。

One says that thomas jefferson invented it , perhaps as a sort of monogram for ts 一種說法是:它是由托馬斯杰弗遜發明的,為ts交織字母的標記。

It s all there except for a little pocketbook with your monogram on it 您的東西全在里面,除了一只小皮夾子,上面有您名字的起首字母。

Personal monogram lighter 200 base 基礎上的個人字母組合火機

Murakami , pink cherry blossom papillon , monogram , croissant 深圳,關于進出口外貿貨物運輸保險

I believe you . - monogram gave me seven days for this 我相信你了,金.上面就給我七天的時間

David : what ? gene : monogram balked on me 什么?你在說什么?上面逼我這么做的