
monogenic adj.【動物;動物學】單基因的。n.-nogeny


This article reviews the clinical manifestations , mutation feature , gene location and phenotype of different ischemic cerebrovascular disease caused by monogenic disorders , including coagulation disorders , erythrocytic disorders , inherited small vessel disease , metabolic disorders , connective tissue diseases , vasculopathies and disorders of unknown etiology 本文主要闡述了單基因遺傳障礙引起的缺血性腦血管病,包括凝血障礙、血細胞病、遺傳性小血管病、代謝障礙、結締組織病、大動脈病及不明原因引起缺血性腦血管病的臨床特征、突變特點、基因定位及表型等遺傳學研究進展。

We obtain two recessive monogenic salt - tolerance mutants from co60 - - mutagenized arabidopsis thaliana m2 populations . the effect of nacl on the structure of vegetative organa in arabidopsis thaliana was further studied and through a rapd analysis on salt - tolerance mutants of arabidopsis thaliana , a 1200bp dna fragment probably related to the salt - tolerance gene was get 本實驗以模式植物擬南芥( arabidopsisthaliana )為材料獲得了隱性單基因抗鹽突變體,并研究了不同濃度的nacl脅迫對擬南芥營養器官結構的影響,進而通過對突變體的rapd分析,獲得了一個與植物抗鹽性有關的1200bp大小的基因片段。

In this paper , resorting to the hypermonogenic function in real clifford analysis , we define the hypermonogenic function in complex clifford analysis and give the sufficient and necessary conditions of complex monogenic and complex hypermonogenic functions . the result is similar to the cauchy - riemann condition of complex analysis . so we get some relations between the real and complex clifford functions 本文借助實clifford分析中的超正則函數,定義了復clifford分析中的超正則函數,得到了復正則函數及復超正則函數的充分必要條件,這些條件類似于單復變中的cauchy - riemann條件,使復clifford函數與實clifford函數有了聯系,并討論了復超正則函數的若干性質。

All f1 seedlings showed wild - type salt - sensibility , and two of four mutants were detected that the proportion of the salt - tolerance seedlings to salt - sensibility seedlings was 1 : 3 in f2 progenys . the results of genetic analysis suggested that this mutants have a monogenic recessive mutation in a nuclear gene F _ 1代白花授粉所得的f _ 2代中,兩個株系抗鹽植株與不抗鹽植株的比例為1 : 3 ,表明該突變體是隱性單基因突變體。

Dr casanova thinks hse is the first example of a disease that was thought to be purely infectious but which has turned out to be purely monogenic ? that is , under the control of a single gene 與適應性免疫相反,先天免疫與生俱來的,而非后天由于人們接觸致病菌而形成抗體所獲得的。