
monogamy n.一夫一妻制;一生一婚制;單配偶,單配性。


In the substantial requirements of marriage , there are some common points such as the approval of the two parties concerned and monogamy principal . however , there are differences in the legal age of marriage , the range of the collateral relatives by blood who are prohibited to marry and the diseases that forbid marriage 在結婚的實質要件方面,兩地有一些共同要件,如男女雙方合意、符合一夫一妻制原則,但在結婚的法定年齡、禁止結婚的旁血親屬范圍和禁止結婚的疾病等方面存有差異。

Polyandry ( a marriage of one woman to many men ) is very rare , but polygyny ( the marriage of one man to many women ) is widely practiced in human societies , even though judeo - christian traditions hold that monogamy is the only natural form of marriage 一妻多夫婚姻(一位女性和多位男性的婚姻)非常罕見,但是一夫多妻(一位男性和多位女性)卻在人類社會中普遍存在,盡管猶太-基督教傳統認為一夫一妻制是唯一婚姻的自然形式。

Although gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent , he shows that the slaves ’ preference , revealed most clearly on plantationsswheressale was infrequent , was very much for stable monogamy 雖然古特曼承認,由于奴隸買賣而造成的被迫離散甚為頻繁,但他還是證明,奴隸的偏愛? ?在那些奴隸買賣并不頻繁的種植園上被最為顯著地揭示出來? ?在很大程度上側重于穩定的一夫一妻制( monogamy ) 。

Although gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent , he shows that the slaves ' preference , revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent , was very much for stable monogamy 雖然古特曼承認,由于奴隸買賣而造成的被迫離散甚為頻繁,但他還是證明,奴隸的偏愛? ?在那些奴隸買賣并不頻繁的種植園上被最為顯著地揭示出來? ?在很大程度上側重于穩定的一夫一妻制。

Until genetic analysis became cheap enough for ornithologists4 to employ routinely , it was believed that this monogamy implied fidelity5 , and that the nestlings6 fed so assiduously7 by the male in such a partnership were , indeed , his 在基因分析變得很便宜使鳥類學家能經常采用之前,人們一直相信,一雄一雌配對意味著忠誠,并且這樣配對的雄鳥如此勤奮喂養的雛鳥當然是自己的后代。

Although gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent , he shows that the slaves ' preference , revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent , was very much for stable monogamy 盡管古特曼承認由于奴隸買賣而造成的強迫性家庭分離在那時是頻繁的,但他也說明奴隸的偏好(最主要的是反映在一些努力買賣不是很頻繁的大種植園)是非常支持穩固的一夫一妻制。

Researchers at florida state university examined the nature of love by studying the brains and behaviour of male prairie voles , picked for their habit of lifelong monogamy and aggression towards other females once they have found a mate 據衛報12月6日報道,美國佛羅里達州大學的研究人員通過研究雄性田鼠的大腦和行為來探索人類愛情的本質。

Tang elder tiger initiate monogamy , allege “ universal saves of temple marriage director “ ? ? means the “ woman matchmaker “ ? ? wish land under heaven the person all family dependents 唐伯虎倡導一夫一妻制,號稱“普救寺婚姻案主” ? ?意為當天下的“紅娘” ? ?愿天下人都成眷屬。

The prospect of exclusive access to virgins may not be so appealing to anyone who has even one mate on earth , which strict monogamy virtually guarantees 擁有那些處女對地球上任何有就算有一位配偶的人- -這一點在一夫一妻制里是基本保證了- -來說都不會那樣具有吸引力。

According to documents , archaeological materials and oracle bones inscriptions we find the marriage system of shang ' s people had taken monogamy for along time in king hai ' s period 依據文獻記載、考古發現和甲骨卜辭,王亥時商族已經實行一夫一妻制很久了。

King qi lived the period of yushun and dayu when monogamy was prevailing , the marriage system of shang ' s people was also monogamy in king qi ' s period 摘要契生活于虞舜、大禹時代,虞舜大禹時實行的婚姻制度是一夫一妻制,契時商族婚制也是一夫一妻制。

Like penguins , wolves practice serial monogamy , meaning they can have several mates throughout a lifetime , but only one at a time 狼和企鵝一樣,狼會在不同階段有不同的伴侶,這意味著它們一生會有多個伴侶,但一個階段只有一個。

And i want a wife who understands that my * ual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy 我還希望有這樣一個老婆,她對我在性需求方面可能不會老老實實地嚴格遵守一夫一妻制能夠表示理解。

Monogamy ( the union of one wife to one husband ) is the prevalent form almost everywhere 一夫一妻制(一位妻子與一位丈夫的結合)幾乎是世界各地的主流婚姻形式

From an evolutionary perspective , monogamy looks good for females and bad for males 從進化的角度來講,單配制有利于雌性,而對雄性卻不然。

We also have to take good care of the family and observe monogamy . why 還有家庭要照顧好,一夫一妻這樣子,為什么?

Under monogamy , they are stuck with marrying a poorer man 在一夫一妻制下,她們就陷入要和更加貧窮男性結婚的下場。

It was as consuming as monogamy 他與初戀一樣那么強烈。

Jamie : let ' s face it , monogamy ' s for straight people 讓我們正視它,一夫一妻制度只適合于異性戀的人們。