
monogamous adj.一夫一妻制的;一生一婚制的;【動物;動物學】一雌...


To the extent that an important function of marriage is to allow children to identify their biological parents and vice versa , with polygyny ( one man and several wives ) children can still know who their biological mother and father are ( at least they could prior to assisted reproductive technologies and donated gametes , and assuming no adultery - but that latter assumption also applies to monogamous marriage ) 婚姻的一個重要功能是允許子女識別生物學意義上的父母以及允許父母識別生物學意義上的子女,在這種意義上,一夫多妻制婚姻(一個男人和多個妻子)中的子女仍然可以知道自己親生母親和父親是誰(至少,假如沒有發生通奸的話,它可能優于輔助生殖技術和借精借卵生育? ?不過,關于通奸的假定也適用于一夫一妻制) 。

Guided by instinct , by the otherworldly radiance of the southern cross , they head unerringly for their traditional breeding ground where - after a ritual courtship of intricate dances and delicate maneuvering , accompanied by a cacophony of ecstatic song - they will pair off into monogamous couples and mate 在冰雪中沒有任何的食物可食用的情況下,體重只剩下原來三分之一的企鵝媽媽生下了獨一無二的企鵝蛋。然而它們可不能沈溺在新生的喜悅中,更艱難的挑戰緊隨而至。

“ it seems that the first time they get together and the bond forms , it locks them into that monogamous behaviour . you can take a female away from a male once he ' s formed a bond with her and two weeks later put him with a different female and he wo n ' t be remotely interested , “ said dr aragona , whose study appears in the journal nature neuroscience 阿拉戈納博士指出: “研究發現,雄鼠與雌鼠一旦結合在一起,它們就成為了單配偶動物。若將雄鼠與配偶分開,兩周后再讓它與新的雌鼠接觸,你會發現它對新的對象根本提不起興趣。 ”

To test that idea , tim clutton - brock of cambridge university and kavita isvaran of the indian institute of science in bengalooru decided to compare monogamous and polygynous species ( in the latter , a male monopolises a number of females ) 為了證實這一理論,劍橋大學的蒂姆?克拉頓布勞克與印度科學研究所的卡維他?伊斯瓦蘭決定將一夫一妻制的物種與一夫多妻制的物質進行對比(后者一雄性占據多數雌性) 。

By contrast , in france , where she lives , people find it reprehensible that americans actually discuss the point when dating turns monogamous ; until then they casually juggle several suitors at once 形成對比的是,在她居住的法國,當幽會變成一夫一妻的婚姻時人們認為通奸行為應該受到指責(實際上美國人也在討論這一點) ;在那以前,他們可以隨便的同時和幾個求愛者交往。

This case exemplifies a combination of monogamous gay marriage ( lesbian spouses ) and a polygamous family structure ( the spouses and the sperm donor ) 這個案例通過例證的方式體現了一夫一妻制同性婚姻(女同性戀配偶)和多配偶制家庭結構(兩個配偶和一名精子捐獻者)的一種結合。

But modern genetic techniques have shown that in many species females in apparently monogamous relationships often produce families that have more than one father 但是現代遺傳學技術表明,許多物種的雌性很明顯是處于一種單配關系中,但所生育的后代卻有著不止一個父親。

Confucius ' filial piety was the reflection of both the patriarchal clan social system and the blood tie between parents and children in monogamous families 摘要孔子的“孝道” ,不僅是宗法社會制度的反映,也是一夫一妻制家庭中父母與子女血緣關系的反映。

How many of you would love to have a totally one - on - one committed relationship with someone totally focused and monogamous 你們當中有多少人愿意潔身自好,對伴侶忠實,并希望伴侶也能和你一起維護一夫一妻的關系呢?

They wanted to find out whether polygynous males had lower survival rates and aged faster than those of monogamous species 他們想看看一夫多妻制物種的雄性是不是在存活率和衰老速度上都低于和快于一夫一妻制物種。

Most pertinently , she identified which offspring were the result of monogamous relationships and which the result of cheating 更確切地講,她能夠識別哪些幼畜是由單配關系產生的,哪些又是由通奸產生的。

They wanted to find out whether polygynous males had lower survival rates and aged faster than those of monogamous species 他們要查明一雄多雌物種與一雌一雄物種相比,是否存活率更低,而且老得更快。

These horrible crimes do occur in polygamous marriages ? and monogamous ones ? and must be dealt with severely 多配偶制婚姻中確實存在這些可怕的罪行? ?一夫一妻制婚姻也不例外,它們必須受到嚴肅對待。

In our monogamous part of the world , to marry means to halve one ' s rights and double one ' s duties 在我們這塊兒講一夫一妻的地方,結婚意味著把你的權力除以二,把你的義務乘以二。

Male birds feed their monogamous partners as they incubate clutches of eggs ? typically three per season 雄性鳥喂養他們一夫一妻制的伙伴,因為他們孵化窩蛋-通常每3個季節。

You know , the urge to wedlock and form a lastin ' monogamous bond sanctified by ritual , it ' s pert - near universal , 你知道渴望婚姻生活和在神圣的儀式下結為夫妻是很傳統的

Men in monogamous societies imagine they would be better off under polygyny 在一夫一妻制的社會里,男性會想象他們在一夫多妻制度下會有更么的好。

Lh : but now i ' m married , married and monogamous . very married , very happy 不過現在我已經結婚了,已婚和忠于一人。非常已婚,非常開心。

He said his daughter was worried that they might have separated a monogamous couple 他說他的女兒擔心他們可能拆散了一對終生伴侶。