
monocycle n.獨輪車。


I ll try me best to make it well known that blind people can learn to ride a bicycle or monocycle ; they can exercise taekwondo and tongbi boxing , go swimming , skateboard rolling and roller skating , they can drive a katin , play piano as well as become a good tuner of piano 我的手指在琴鍵上跳躍著,我激動的眼淚盡情地流淌著,無數個攝像機對著我,無數個閃光燈在閃著。簽名開始了,大家排起了長長的隊,一直排到了門外。

Compared with existing modulating method , torque ripple is greatly reduced by uniform modulating in one monocycle , increasing current slope of upcoming conducting phase instantaneously suppresses the torque ripple by 30 ’ during low speed with obviously lower initiating noise 采用單周期內各功率管均衡調制的方式,不僅消除了反向電流,而且與其他調制方式相比,可使轉矩脈動較小。

What to be learned by kids recovered from the illness , i thought that physical exercise was necessary for me . so i bought a monocycle and started practicing 還有人說,一會簽名開始,那么多人,我上歲數了擠不過他們,你先給我簽個名吧。

Analysis of the characteristic of monocycle waveform in coal mine uwb communication system 礦井超寬帶通信系統中單脈沖波形特性分析

An ultra - wideband , monocycle ultra - short - pulse transmitter technique 單周期窄脈沖產生技術