
monoculture n.〔美國〕【農業】單作,單一經營,單種栽培。


Most ponds practise polyculture of carps mixed with tilapia or grey mullet . the remaining ponds carry out monoculture of snakehead or catfish . however , many coastal ponds are converted to monoculture of brackish species such as scat , seabream and pampano to reap better profit 大部分魚塘采用混合養殖法,養殖的魚類品種多數以鯉魚科混合福壽魚或烏頭,其馀魚塘則采用單養式養殖法,飼養生魚或塘虱。

The future of brazil nut as a crop can be three - fold : as an extractivist product ; as an agroforestry / forest management component ; and as a modern monoculture plantation crop 未來的巴西堅果作為一種作物,可以有三方面:作為一個文化標的物(提取/萃取)產品;作為農林復合/森林管理的組成物種;作為單一栽培的現代種植作物。

The remaining 4 per cent practice monoculture of carnivorous species such as freshwater snakehead and sea bass , as well as seabreams and spotted scad in brackish fish ponds near to the coastline 魚連同福壽魚或烏頭類一并養殖) ,其馀的4 %是單養肉食性魚類,例如淡水的生魚和盲?以及在沿海半咸淡魚塘養殖的?魚和金鼓等。

Moving to our own modern tribe , monoculture , fed by powdered fertilisers and poisons , is bad for the future ; indiscriminate use of antibiotics to promote livestock growth is worse 再看看我們現代社會,單一耕作、施用化肥和農藥,這對于未來不利;濫用抗生素促進牲畜的生長則更加糟糕。

They see globalization as being the spread of a monoculture , based on western values , which is killing the cultural diversity of the world 他們以西方價值觀為基礎,把全球化看作是單一文化的擴張,而這正在扼殺世界文化的多樣性。

Effect of autointoxication in monoculture on cucumber seed germination and seedling growth 連作栽培中自毒物質對黃瓜種子萌發和幼苗生長的影響

Local foresters worry about the possibility of serious disease or insect outbreaks which might result from such monoculture . 當地的林學家們很煩惱,因為這樣單一栽植的結果,可能發生嚴重的病蟲害。