
monocular adj.單眼的;單眼用的 (opp. binocular...


Visual analysis of human motion has been receiving increasing attention from researchers in the fields of image processing and computer vision during the past few years . it has a lot of applications in virtual reality , smart surveillance system , advanced user interface , motion analysis and video compressing , etc . this paper focuses on the technology of human motion tracking based on video , first , we make a summarization of the domestic and overseas status of the research in this field . on the basis of this , we analyse the technical difficulties of human motion tracking . as most of the existing model - based methods of human motion tracking perform not so good in some situation as they need mannual intervention , and also the precision of tracking is not so satisfying during the research of tracking of walking people because of the self - occlusion of legs , this paper proposes an algorithm of automatic detection and tracking of legs of the walking people based on monocular image sequences , in which we analyse the features of walking people , track the five joints of lower limbs , get various parameters , and then re - construct the walking process . the main research achievement is as follows : 1 ) we propose an algorithm of markerless automatic extraction of leg skeleton . first we divide the video into continuous image sequences , after background subtraction , the satisfying human region could be extracted , then we get a single - connected region by converting the rgb image to binary image and median filtering . afterwards , the contour of lower limbs in the frame with a widest boundingbox is detected , using sobel operator , to find the ankle joint of leg behind according to the features and rules of walking , then , the joint of knee of leg behind , hip , ankle of leg in front , knee of leg in front could be got in turn . so , model of leg skeleton is constructed 首先將視頻分解成許多連續的靜態圖像幀,經過背景去除,把感興趣的人體區域提取出來,通過二值化,中值濾波等預處理方法得到只有人體的一個單連通區域,然后用sobel算子檢測出boundingbox最寬幀中人體下半身的輪廓,根據運動規律及特征找到后腿踝關節點,結合從boundingbox最窄幀中所獲取的腿長依次得到后腿膝關節,跨部關節,前腿踝關節,前腿膝關節四點,從而構建出腿部骨架模型。 2 )實現了人體步行腿部骨架的跟蹤算法。在完成對腿部骨架模型的自動初始化之后,本文對跨關節、膝關節及踝關節分別采用運動建模、圓周相交定點算法、運動預測及預測點周圍搜索rgb相似矩形塊三種方法確定每一幀中其實際坐標,從而重構出腿部骨架的運動過程。

The 3d surface reconstruction from monocular multiple imagines is hotspot in the research domain of images in recent years . based on the analysis of lambertain , phong , torrance - sparrow and cook - torrance illumination models , a method for 3d surface reconstruction from multiple shaded images with different illumination is presented in the paper 由單目多幅二維圖像重構曲面的三維幾何形狀近年來一直是圖像領域研究的難點和熱點,本文在分析多種曲面測量方法的基礎上,根據在不同照明情況下獲得的多幅圖像,以lambertain 、 phone 、 torrance - sparrow 、 cook - torrance多種光照模型為依據,提出一種三維曲面重構方法。

First of all , via comparing several familiar measure methods , this paper supplies a measure technique of monocular image analysis , which includes lane detection and obstacle detection . and then the paper sets up the model on distance between two vehicles . in the end , the result and analysis of the system processing is given , and the system is estimated in three aspects , further some improvements are advanced 本文首先通過對比各種常見車距測量方法引出單目圖像分析的測量技術,該系統包括車道檢測和前車檢測兩部分;然后建立了車距測量模型;最后給出系統處理結果及分析,并從三個方面對系統進行了評價,提出了改進措施。

In order to acquire 3d spatial position and motion parameters of moving target , the limitation of second focus method to get the depth of target is analyzed according to perspective projection model of target centroid . then , the constraint for obtaining 3d position and motion parameters of moving target centroid from monocular image sequence is presented and proved in this paper . with this constraint , a nonlinear extended kalman filter algorithm for estimating 3d spatial position and motion parameters of moving target centroid from monocular image sequence is proposed 進一步,為獲取目標的空間位置和運動參數等三維信息,在目標和成像系統都運動的情況下,根據目標質心的透視投影成像模型,首先分析了二次成像法獲取目標深度信息的缺陷;然后給出了由單目序列圖像獲取目標質心的空間位置和運動參數的條件,并提出利用多幀單目序列圖像和應用非線性擴展卡爾曼濾波算法來估計目標質心的空間位置和運動參數;最后對提出的估計方法進行了多組仿真驗證,證明該方法可行有效。

In the applied part , kernel method is used to improve the method of classification with one class training data . the improved method is combined with ground plane transformation method , so that information from monocular vision and stero vision can be fused effectively . based on this , a demo system of obstacle detecting in outdoor scenes is developed 在實踐應用部分,本文利用核函數方法,改造了現有的單類判別方法,并結合雙目視覺技術中的重投影方法,實現了單、雙目信息的有效融合,研制了一個自然場景下的障礙檢測實驗演示系統。

This thesis , taking the key scientific and technological project of henan province “ the development of the binocular vision surveillance system ” as the research background , devotes main efforts to the research of the vision surveillance system based on dsp in the aspects both hardware and software , mainly including : 1 . hardware system design of monocular visual surveillance system based on dsp and fpga the actual application has set higher and higher real time demands for the visual surveillance system 本文依托河南省自然科學基金攻關項目“雙目視覺監控系統研制” ,分硬件和軟件兩個方面對基于dsp的視覺監控系統進行了探討研究,主要包括: (一) dsp + fpga的單目視覺監控系統的硬件設計視覺監控系統的實際應用對系統的實時性提出了越來越高的要求。

Vivitar is well recognized as the top 3 brand in american camera industry . vivitar offers wide range of photographic products , including distinctive premium manual camera , single - use camera , motorized camera , zoom camera , water - proof camera , digital camera , binoculars , monocular for your choice Vivitar相機及光學產品在全球各地聞名巳久,備有各種型號數碼相機zoom相機aps相機全自動相機防水相機手動相機鏡頭腳架望遠鏡及監察系統等可供選擇。

It adopts monocular ccd vidicon as input device , and processes the input image by computer , then gains the lane width of the location of the front vehicle on this lane , finally calculates the distance according to the model on distance between two vehicles 它采用單目ccd攝像機作為輸入設備,用計算機對輸入圖像進行處理,從而得到本車道前車處的車道標線寬度,并進一步根據車距測量模型計算出兩車之間的實際距離。

The proposed method has been tested on a number of monocular traffic - image sequences and the experimental results show that the algorithm is robust and real - time , which can effectively extract moving vehicle from traffic scene and track each one within the range of visual field 經過大量的單目交通圖像序列的測試,表明該算法是魯棒而且實時的,可以有效地從交通場景中提取出運動車輛,并在視野范圍內對其予以跟蹤。

For wheeled mobile robot ( wmr ) , acquiring information by vision is one of the most important sensing methods . the question to locate and track the moving target of wmr based on monocular image sequence is studied in detail 視覺是輪式移動機器人最重要的感知手段之一。基于單目視覺成像原理,本文對輪式移動機器人的空間目標定位與跟蹤問題進行了深入研究和仿真驗證。

Based on the extracted vertical edges , a method for roof boundary extraction in monocular aerial images using line snakes model is proposed . in addition , to detect buildings which have smooth gray - value in roof . , 根據垂直邊緣這一建筑物的一般特征,提出了一種基于單幅影像的直線snakes (又名主動輪廓, activecontours )建筑物輪廓跟蹤方法。

The visual change from being unaware of visual defect to detecting binocular visual loss indicated the importance of measuring monocular visual acuity and visual field to clinical ophthalmologist 病人臨床視力、視野變化情形,向未察覺兩眼視野的缺損至突發性兩眼視力的喪失,提醒臨床眼科醫師單眼視力、視野測量的重要性,尤其是周邊視野的評估。

To meet such a demand , a monocular surveillance hardware system based on the combining tms320c6201 dsp with acex1k100 fpga is designed from the viewpoint of the module . 2 針對此要求,從模塊化設計思想的觀點出發,設計了一種基于tms320c6201dsp和acex1k100fpga的單目視覺監控硬件系統。

With a view to the difficulty and precision of surface reconstruction from a single image , the reconstruction from monocular multiple images is developed in the paper 為了提高曲面測量精度,本文還開展了基于單目多幅圖像的曲面重構工作。

Xbp - m103 monocular biological microscope has excellent performance , such as clear images in any magnifacation M103型單目生物顯微鏡具有優越的光學性能,剛性、防震性能好,在任何放大倍數下成像清晰。

Taylor d . monocular infantile cataract , intraocular lenses , and amblyopia . br j ophthalmol 1989 ; 73 857 陸道炎,張效房,陸國生,等.國外白內障與人工晶狀體手術的進展.中華眼科雜志1993 ; 29 8

The application of distance measurement based on the monocular camera machine vision in the system of auto - landing on deck of uav 單目機器視覺測距技術在無人機自動著艦中的應用

The correlation between the opioid peptide in the brain and the monocular learning of one - day - old chicks 雛雞單眼學習與腦內阿片肽類含量的相關研究

Study of ship locating principle by measuring distance based on the monocular camera machine vision 基于單目機器視覺的船舶測距定位原理研究