
monocracy n.獨裁政治。


Under the background of that most countries in the world are use corporate system , “ insider ” who hold the corporation ’ s control power always encroach principal part of other corporations ’ legal rights figure for their private interests , bring on “ insider ” control behavior become the major problem of corporate governance structure in current every countries of the world . market economy is also monocracy economy , ask the law play a important role in market economy activities 在世界各國普遍采用公司制的條件下,掌握公司控制權的“內部人”往往為謀取私益而侵犯其他公司參與主體的合法權益,導致“內部人”控制行為成為當前世界各國公司治理結構中的主要問題。市場經濟是法治經濟,要求法律在市場經濟活動中起到重要作用。

Part iiilegal issues upon the reform of toll and tax in countryside this part is concentrated to show six problems that the reform of toll and tax in countryside is to be up against and is to be peremptorily settled as following : the first one , in the confirming of agricultural tax , it is very difficult to protect the farmer ' s rights fairly because of unscientific of the evidence at assessment , highly of tax rate , and the absence of law and statute correlatively ; the second one , on the tax levying , there lack of legal systems that is to supervise and run , especially lack of law and statute which lead to collect agricultural special tax canonically ; the third one , the reform of toll and tax in countryside extrudes unbalance burden among farmers and countries , and lead to unevenly between subject of tax payment , which breaches the legal rule of balanceable tax ; the fourth one , the reform of toll and tax in countryside faces the danger that farmers “ burden tends to rebound because of weakly carry through legal rule on tax statutory and absent of law and statute correlatively ; the fifth one , the reform of toll and tax in countryside affects the finance and revenue - expenditure auditing of the grass roots and father affects the grass roots to raise fee upon public construction and education , as a result , there ' s more charge that is out of law , the monocracy of grass roots “ finance ought to be carry out ; the sixth one , legal measures connect with the reform of toll and tax in countryside in dire need of to be built , which mainly conclude legal system that adjust country social security , country compulsory education and country debt 第三部分? ?農村稅費改革的法律課題集中展示了農村稅費改革所面臨且亟待解決的六大法律問題。即:其一,在確定農業稅上,計稅依據不科學、稅率偏高、相關法律規范缺失,無法平等保護農民的合法權益;其二,在農村稅收的征收上,缺乏行之有效的法律監督和運行機制,尤其是農業特產稅的征收缺乏保障據實征收的法律規范;其三,稅費改革凸顯農民之間、農村之間的負擔不均,使納稅主體的權利義務失衡,有悖稅負均衡的法律原則;其四,由于稅收法定主義沒有得到有效貫徹,規制農民負擔反彈方面的法律法規缺位,致使農村稅費改革潛伏著農民負擔反彈的風險;其五,稅費改革影響基層組織的財政收支,進而影響鄉村公益事業建設及教育經費的籌措,引發稅外亂收費沉渣泛起,基層財政體制法治化勢在必行;其六,與稅費改革相關的配套法律措施巫待構建,主要是農村社會保障法律體系、鄉村義務教育和鄉村債務疏導的法律支撐魚待構建與完善。第四部分一一農村稅費改革與相關法律制度的構建基于上一部分提出的法律問題,力圖構筑農村稅費改革的法律框架并提出相應對策。

Through the analysis and discussing about the opportunity and the challenge for the external affair of chinese local government after entering the wto , this article will make out some project to resolve the problems , such as the lack of talent , the laggard idea of monocracy and the illegible function of local government 本文將通過對加入世貿組織后中國地方政府外事工作所面臨的機遇和挑戰的分析,對我國目前地方政府外事工作中出現的法治觀念落后、人才資源稀缺以及自身職能模糊等問題進行較為深入的闡述。

Since the reform and opening to the outside world , along with china ’ s monocracy modernization construction is connected to the world step by step , we are experiencing or facing the challenge from the pressure of lawsuit . compared with adr development which is in the ascendant in the west , the non - lawsuit disputes solutions including harmomegathy is playing an weaker and weaker roll in china ’ s disputes solutions - - - - - - the tradition is disappearing 在法治現代化的發展進程中,面對越來越嚴重的訴訟壓力,與以往長期關注司法或訴訟對于糾紛解決的作用不同的是, adr的理論和實務研究已由作為訴訟附帶性部分或補充變成為糾紛解決課題中的主要研究對象。

Therefore , it is necessary to research on the necessary conditions of right exertion of legislative power and on the connotation of right exertion of legislative power in this time and place . the research is to settle an important theoretical and practical problem in the construction of monocracy 本文詳細敘述了立法權正當行使的內涵,并從制定法的發展歷史來看支配立法權行使的幾個主要的思想資源,得出這些理論都不能完整解決立法權正當行使的全部內涵。

There are many factors affecting this process of monocracy in chinese countryside , for example , the flimsy legal awareness of the peasantry , the autonomy of the country , the morbidity of the law system , the bad executing and supervising of the law and so on 摘要我國農村法治化的進程中存在著諸多制約因素,如農民法律意識淡薄、村民自治問題、農村和農業法律體系不健全、執法和監督力度不夠等。

Legislative power is very important in the construction of monocracy , we can say that the start point of construction of monocracy consists in a perfect legal system , but all lawmaking achievement lies on the perfect exertion of legislative power 立法權的良好運行在法治建設中起到十分重要的作用,而檢驗立法權是否良好運行,在當下時空,就是看立法權是否得到正當行使。

On the juristic governance to executive responsibility of monocracy 論法治政府行政執法責任制的法律規制

The monocracy culture and man ' s comprehensive development 對法治文化與人的全面發展問題的若干思考

Moderately off society and monocracy civilization 小康社會與法治文明