
monocotyledon n.【植物;植物學】單子葉植物。adj.-ous


These results show that coda gene cloned from e . coli can express specifically in the anther of both monocotyledon and dicotyledon plant species upon induction of 5 - fc , and the in vivo expression product of the gene can transform the 5 - fc used externally into 5 - fu , which leads to all or partial inactivity of anthers and / or pollens 以上結果表明, coda基因在單子葉植物和雙子葉植物花藥中的特異性表達,能將外用的5 - fc在體內轉化為5 - fu ,導致花藥或花粉的部分和全部失活。

The native expressed product from e . coli bl21 ( de3 ) strain , however , showed weak activity against tmv . gp609 and zwemu were inserted into pemu - mcs - n , an expression vector for monocotyledon . and rhxjb was inserted into pkylx71 : 35s2 將dna一8001連接到pet一sa表達載體上,在大腸桿菌blzi ( de3 )菌株中實現天然表達,表達產物對tmv的抑制效果很差,其原因可能是c一末端延伸序列的存在抑制了抗tmv活性的發揮。

Another question discussed was the pore shape correction . the equivalent pore radius of the elongated microcrack membrane pore was corrected by the correlation present in the study on the stomata diffusion of monocotyledons 這合理地解釋了在膜接觸器氣液分離過程中,氣液接觸面積等于整個中空纖維膜的表面積而不是孔面積這一實驗現象。

Thirdly , it is possible that acorus is in an isolated , primitive position among the monocotyledon . the systematic position of acorus among the angiosperms deserves to be studied deeply 菖蒲屬可能是整個單子葉植物中一個較孤立的、原始的類群,它在整個被子植物中的系統地位,目前尚無定論,還有特深入探討。

Palmae is a very distinguished colony in the monocotyledon and a very important component of the tropical flora . it is one of the three most important economic families in the world 棕櫚科( palmae )是單子葉植物綱中很有特色的一個類群,是熱帶植物區系的重要組成部分,是世界上最重要的三大經濟植物類群之一。

The results of this study support removing acorus from araceae as a singular family and as the basal and relative isolation of the monocotyledon . 2 據此認為菖蒲屬應從天南星科中分出并單獨成科;同時支持菖蒲屬位于單子葉植物基部較孤立的系統地位。

Monocotyledons and dicotyledons are so termed because they normally conatin one and two cotyledons respectively although there are exceptions 盡管有例外的情況出現,我們通常還是根據子葉的數目為一片還是兩片而把植物分成單子葉植物和雙子葉植物。

Angiosperms are divided into two major classes , the monocotyledons ( monocotyledonae ) and dicotyledons ( dicotyledonae ) , with a small basal group known as primitive dicotyledons 被子植物可以劃分為兩個綱,單子葉植物綱和雙子葉植物綱。

Some 60 of monocotyledons and 40 of dicotyledons are polyploid , as are 90 of ferns , many bryophytes , and some algae 60的單子葉植物和40的雙子葉植物、 90的蕨類植物、多數苔蘚植物以及某些藻類,都是多倍體。

Dicotyledons usually show a netlike arrangement whereas monocotyledons generally show a parallel distribution of vein 雙子葉植物主要為網狀脈,而單子葉植物主要為平行脈。

A cladistic analysis of monocotyledons at the family level based on morphological data 單子葉植物科級分類階元形態性狀分支分析

Most monocotyledons are hypogeal . 大部分單子葉植物都是地面下的。