
monocline n.【地質學;地理學】單斜褶皺[層]。


Kongxi buried hill shows following features in the seismic profiles : the structures are asymmetric . there is flexural syncline on the east side and a monocline on the west side . asymmetric repetition of stratigraphic units is present in the drill wells and the dips of beds and faults are gentle . the permo - carboniferous system of both sides almost lie in the same slope and the events of cambrian or upper proterozoic are continuous from east to west . the phenomenas suggest that kongxi buried hill could be a thrust belt been traced which consists of reverse faults . the imbricate faults mainly effect pre - jurassic strata . there are obvious angular unconformity between jurassic - cretaceous system and paleozoic involved deformation of thrust . the thrust front in some place has cut off the beds of jurassic - cretaceous system . the structural style of the thrust structure changes along the strike of the kongxi buried hill 地震和鉆井資料揭露的孔西構造帶前第三系潛山的地質特征可以歸納為:構造帶總體上不對稱構造帶內部有地層重復現象石炭二疊系地層的位置明顯高于兩側的同一地層的高度。用由34條向東傾斜的逆沖斷層組成的疊瓦扇構造模式能夠比較合理地解釋上述地質特征。該帶向東傾斜的逆沖疊瓦狀斷層組主要影響前侏羅系地層,侏羅白堊系與卷入逆沖構造變形的古生界地層之間有明顯的角度不整合。

The studied deposit area is located on a monocline geotectonic unit divided by several groups of faults . therefore , the secondary widen transverse and lognitudinal drapes may have great influence on ore forming and location 礦區基本構造為一個被幾組斷裂破壞的單斜構造,其上發育的次一級的開闊型橫向和縱向褶皺對礦床的形成和空間定位起著十分重要的作用。

Note that in areas of monocline dip the closure of a trap may not be the same as its structural relief 值得注意的是,在只有單斜地層的構造內,圈閉的幅度可能與構造的起伏不一樣。

The deeper structure appears to be a gently warped monocline . 較深構造仿佛是輕度翹曲的單斜。