
monocle n.單片眼鏡。


Working on a tip - off , the inspectors seized the package from the czech republic and opened the cases to find live albino monocle cobras , arabian saw - scaled vipers , namibian spitting cobras and australian taipans , reputed to be the most poisonous snake on earth 由于接到線報,檢察員截住了來自捷克的包裹并在其中發現了活的白化眼鏡蛇,阿拉伯鋸攀蛇,納米比亞眼鏡蛇,和被稱為地球上最毒的澳洲大班。

He is sausaged into several overcoats and wears a brown macintosh under which he holds a roll of parchment . in his left eye flashes the monocle of cashel boyle o connor fitzmaurice tisdall farrell . on his head is perched an egyptian pshent 肩上高高地扛著長長的船篙,一頭鉤著他那濕透了縮作一團的獨子的褲襠,是剛從利菲河里救上來的。

As sue was sketching a pair of elegant horseshow riding trousers and a monocle of the figure of the hero , an idaho cowboy , she heard a low sound , several times repeated 蘇正在給故事主人公,一個愛達荷州牧人的身上,畫上一條馬匹展覽會穿的時髦馬褲和一片單眼鏡時,忽然聽到一個重復了幾次的低微的聲音。

As sue was sketching a pair of elegant horseshow riding trousers and a monocle on the figure of the hero , an idaho cowboy , she heard a low sound , several times repeated 當蘇娥正在為小說主人公? ?愛達荷州的一個牛仔,畫賽馬會上穿的漂亮馬褲和戴的單片眼鏡,她聽見一個低的聲音重復了好幾次。

Lord layard ' s latest book has a much jauntier image on its cover : a “ happy eccentric ” with a fez on his head , a monocle in his eye and a bunch of flowers in his hand 萊亞德勛爵的新書的封面上有一個更加神氣活現的形象:一個幸福的怪人頭戴小圓紅帽,戴著單片眼鏡,手上拿著一束鮮花。

As sue was sketching a pair of elegant horseshow riding trousers and a monocle on the figure of the hero , an idaho cowboy , she heard a low sound , several times repeated 當蘇娥正在為主人公? ?愛達荷州的一個牛仔畫他在賽馬會上穿的漂亮馬褲與單片眼鏡,她聽見一個低的聲音重復了好幾次。

“ perhaps he wore a monocle because he had something wrong with one eye “ charles said . billy turned to face him “ won ' t wash “ he said curtly “也許他戴單片眼鏡是因為他的一只眼睛出了點問題, ”查爾斯說。比利轉過身來,正面對著他,粗魯地說道: “不可能” 。

Beauchamp , one of the kings of the press , and therefore claiming the right of a throne everywhere , was eying everybody through his monocle 波尚正在向四周張望,他是無冕國王,每一個地方都有他的寶座。

A cynic is a man who looks at the would with a monocle in his mind ' s eye 好挖苦人的人,是在心目中戴上單片眼鏡兒看世事的人。

A cynic is a man who looks at the world with a monocle in his mind ' s eye 好挖苦人的人,是在心目中戴上單片眼鏡兒看世事的人。

I will connect with you , le monocle , everyone expect to me 我聯系你, le monocle ,因為大家都指望我

People called me le monocle , spy agent 大家叫我le monocle ,特工代理人