
monochord n.一弦琴;一弦的音程測定器,和諧;一致。


The activity began with a solo performance on the pipa chinese lute , followed by an introduction to the association and its publication company , a reading of masters poetry , and a musical recital featuring the pipa and monochord an ancient western stringed instrument 會中首先以琵琶演奏揭開序幕,接著簡介世界會及其出版社朗誦師父的靈性詩文琵琶和單音琴合奏,然后播放簡介師父的影片及師父的講經dvd ,內容有關如何藉由打坐來獲致和平。

Afterwards , two professional aulacese singers gave a moving rendition of poems from master s collection , “ the lost memories , “ accompanied by traditional aulacese monochord and multi - stringed instruments and a bamboo flute 緊接著由兩位悠樂的職業歌手演唱師父的詩集逝去的回憶中的部分詩文,同時由悠樂傳統的一弦琴多弦樂器及竹笛伴奏。