
mono adj.〔口語〕單聲道的(= monaural)。


Fundamentals of mono - chip computers 單片機原理

Mono molecule layer adsorption 單分子層吸附理論

Design rules for mono - cable passenger aerial ropeways with detachable grip 單線脫掛抱索器客運架空索道設計規范

Validation of design parameters of cusp magnetic field in mono - crystal furnace 單晶爐勾形磁場設計參數實驗驗證

Design rules for mono - cable passenyer aerial ropeways with detachable grip 單線脫掛抱索器客運架空索道設計規范

Spires of limestone tufa rise from the shores of california ' s mono lake 在加州莫諾湖邊,聳立著一座座石塔。

Control system design and test research for a mono fuel cng engine 單燃料天然氣發動機控制系統設計與試驗研究

Means to improve comprehensive mono - roadway advancing level in yankuang 提高兗礦煤巷單巷綜掘水平的對策淺探

Mono brings . net apps to linux Net應用程序移植到linux

Highest efficient mono - cystalline or poly - crystalline solar modules 使用高轉換率的單晶式多晶式電池組件。

Using code from a non - mono library 使用非mono庫的代碼

Design rules for mono - cable passenger aerial ropeways with fixed grip 單線固定抱索器客運架空索道設計規范

Is the home for the mono community 是mono社區的主頁。

Mono - chip computers interface technique 單片機與接口技術

Reno - mono lake - los angeles 雷諾夢幻湖mono lake洛杉磯

The mono project includes the following open source implementations Mono項目包括以下開放源碼實現:

What is the analytical result on “ mono lisa smile ” then 對《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》的分析結果是什么?

Synthesis of mono - , di - and tri - pentaerythritol 三季戊四醇的合成

Now , let s look at some of the nuances in installing mono 現在來看看安裝mono過程中的一些差別。