
monkish adj.〔蔑稱〕修道士[僧侶]似的;修道院的。adv.-...


In his management bestseller , “ good to great ” , jim collins argued that the truly successful bosses were not the self - proclaimed stars who adorn the covers of forbes and fortune , but instead self - effacing , thoughtful , monkish sorts who lead by inspiring example 吉姆?科林斯在他的管理學暢銷書《聽大人物的話》中指出,真正成功的老板不是那些裝點《福布斯》和《財富》雜志封面的所謂明星,而是那種為人謙卑、考慮周全、心無雜念并通過干一些鼓舞人心的事來領導公司的人。

The property right condition that each religion organizes although each has its characteristics , look cent two kinds of situations totally , namely the monkish and personal private possession power is kept both with the public property right in monastery , regarding pubilic property right in monastery as principle 各宗教組織的財產權狀況雖各有其特點,但總地看來分兩種情形,即僧侶個人私有財產權和寺院公有財產權并存,以寺院公有財產權為主。

Here , the pale clergyman piled up his library , rich with parchment - bound folios of the fathers , and the lore of rabbis , and monkish erudition , of which the protestant divines , even while they 面色蒼白的牧師在這里摞起他的豐富藏書,其中有對開桑皮紙精裝本的先哲們的著作拉比們記下的傳說以及許多僧院的考證對這類文獻,請教教士們盡管竭力詆毀,卻不得不備作不時之需。

There was an unconquerable repulsion for her in that monkish aspect . 她對這副猴子樣的神氣有一種無法克制的厭惡。