
monkhood n.修道士[僧侶]的身分[生活];〔集合詞〕修道士,僧侶...


Mahakasyapa was thus initiated into monkhood and followed the buddha . he progressed very quickly , easily understanding the profound teachings of the buddha , and becoming his favorite 受比丘戒以后,摩訶迦葉常跟佛學,學得很快,甚深微妙法他很簡單就了解,釋迦牟尼佛很疼他。

At his parents request , a highly reliable fortune - teller prophesied , “ this child has great , inconceivable merit . he seems destined for monkhood . 有一個很會算命的人被他父母請來看他的命,算命的人說:這個小孩福報殊勝,不可思議!

“ if they make noise or cheer as they watch , they will lose their monkhood , “ phnom penh patriarch non nget said 金邊長老non nget說: “如果和尚們在看比賽時亂喊亂叫或歡呼喝彩,他們就做不成和尚了。 ”

Monkhood begins with asceticism 出家始于寡欲

Monkhood begins with asceticismgroup 出家始于寡欲