
monkey n.1.猴子;猿〔cf. ape〕;長毛猴的毛皮。2.頑...

monkey block

A monkey is standing on another one ' s shoulder 一只猴子站在另外一只的肩膀上。

She ' ii be all over you iike a barrelful of monkeys 她會圍繞著你就像一群猴子那樣

Monkeys : you want to red up ? do my butt ah 猴子:你想紅起來嗎?做我的屁股啊!

I plan to buy a pig food and eat with monkey 我打算買一份小豬套餐和猴子一起吃

Then i made faces and jumped like a monkey 然后我做鬼臉,像猴子似的跳來跳去。

And remember , no one wants to be turned into a monkey 記住,沒有人愿意變成猴子

By god , if you ' re gonna pick your feet like a monkey , 如果你要像猴子那樣挖腳的話

Ernie : he fell off the monkey bars last week 爾尼:他上星期從單?橋上摔了下來。

Protocol of intradermal test for monkey tuberculosis 猴結核皮內變態反應操作規程

Now what are you staring at , you ugly monkey 你在盯著看什么?你這丑陋的猴子!

The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch 猴子頭向下倒掛在樹枝上。

The tragic nature of the image of monkey sun wu - kong 孫悟空形象的悲劇性本質問題

Monkeys rescue soldiers games - 4455 miniclip games 拯救猴子兵小游戲- 4399小游戲

The monkey was busy catching fleas on himself and biting each one carefully between his teeth as if it were a delicacy . 猴子正忙著捉身上的虱子,每捉到一個便送到嘴里咬死,象在品嘗精美的食品。

The monkey came down and ran into blondeau's shelter, took his knife and cut the leather in imitation of the cobbler . 猴子就下來,跑進布朗杜的棚屋,拿起他的刀,模仿著鞋匠切皮革。

There is a word that passes around here about mussolini. they say he's the monkey that opened the tiger's cage . 這里流傳著一個關于墨索里尼的說法,說他是放虎出籠的猴子。

The thing angered him greatly, but he was unable to hurt the monkey for fear of his master . 這種情況十分惹他惱火,然而由于怕得罪猴子的主人,他不能傷害他。

In tolstoy's dubious theory of war, napoleon was a mere monkey riding an elephant . 根據托爾斯泰那個靠不住的戰爭理論,拿破侖不過是騎在大象身上的一只猢猻。

And then, in a moment, she would come life, and as quick and restless as a monkey . 后來,忽然間她又會如夢方醒,重又象猴子一樣活潑,一樣亂動起來。