
monk n.僧侶,修道士;【歷史】隱士。


This monk would really like to understand our church 這個和尚很想了解我們的教會。

The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner 和尚在香爐里焚上一柱香。

You call these guys the viper , the monk , the general 你叫這些人毒販、修道士、將軍

. . . flatly denies that either he or his monks . . 但他斷然否認了他或者其他修士

Analysis of the poet monk phenomenon in eastern jin dynasty 東晉詩僧現象解讀

The cloth bag monk smiled and set his bag down again 布袋和尚又笑嘻嘻把布袋放下。

A man who grows above the physical level is a monk 能超越物質層次的人就是出家人。

A runaway monk never praises his convent 逃出來的和尚從來不會說自己的廟好。

The other kids make fun of me because i ' m a monk 有孩子取笑我因為我是個和尚

Pig monk and second disciple , zhu wuneng kenny kwan 豬扒二師兄豬八戒kenny關智斌飾

The critic to monk - poets ' extra corpora in sikuguanshuzongmu 中的詩僧別集批評

And that buddhist monk - - - that was not my idea 還有那個僧侶那不是我的主意

The monk smiled . “ you are wang cheng , aren ' t you ? 和尚微笑著說。 “你是王成吧? ”

Look at that . i bet you any money the monk done that 快看.我敢打賭是修道士干的。

- and that buddhist monk - that was not my idea 還有那個僧侶那不是我的主意

In the old days , monks lived preaching and walking , 在古代僧侶不停地傳道修行

There ' s two . one ' s the traveling monk . the other 有兩個人,一個是憎侶,另外一個

The monk accepted his offerings and said , “ hmm 這位受他供養的和尚就說:哼!

Residences of many monks and nuns were destroyed 色達的很多僧尼住所被搗毀。