
monitress n.女的 monitor。


He looked round inquiringly towards his monitress , and perceived that she had gone out again on tiptoe into the reception - room where prince vassily had remained with the eldest princess 他帶著疑問的目光望望他的帶路人,看見她踮起腳尖又走到接待室,瓦西里公爵和公爵的大小姐還呆在那里,沒有走出去。

Pierre , having decided to obey his monitress in everything , moved towards the sofa she had pointed out to him 皮埃爾拿定了主意,事事都聽從他的帶路人,他向她指給他看的小沙發走去。

That i will , adele ; and i hastened away with her , glad to quit my gloomy monitress “我會的,阿黛勒, ”我急急忙忙同她一起走開了,很樂意逃離這位喪氣的監視者。