
monitory n.【宗教】告誡狀。adj.勸告的,訓誡的,警告的。


In the last part , the situation of the application of ec is outlined , and the facts that impeded the development of ec are presented : the imbalance of supply and demand with regard to the infrastructure of network , the lackey of confidence of consumer and firms on ec because of the lackey of credit in economy life , and the difficulties of how to adapt to and protect the new product style of ec by state legal system . we pointed out that , several aspects , such as fiscal tax revenue , law and enactments , the safety of information , admission of market , the perspectives of information , and technolocrats , will persistently impeded the development of ec . in china , the application of ec should be dominated by firms and conducted by government , which should as soon as possible enact the relative law regarding to taxation , electronic paying , digital signature , certification authority , intellectual property on web , etc . the national physical distribution system , the financial monitory system , the system of credit of firms as well as consumers should be completed 在最后一個部分,文章簡述了我國電子商務應用的現狀,用博弈論方法分析了制約我國電子商務應用發展的幾個主要原因:網絡基礎設施的供需失衡、經濟生活中的信用意識缺乏導致的消費者和企業對電子商務應用中的普遍的不信任及國家法律制度如何適應和保護電子商務這種新的生產方式等,并指出,財政稅收、法律法規、信息安全、市場準入、信息觀念、技術人才等幾個方面的問題將是長期阻礙電子商務發展的因素,電子商務在我國的應用要走企業為主體、政府引導的路子,政府應盡快制定有關稅收、電子支付、電子簽名、身份認證、網上知識產權等方面的法律法規,建立覆蓋全國的現代化物流配送體系,健全和完善金融監管體系,特別是企業信用體系和消費者信用體系的建設,大力推進企業信息化建設,創造發展環境,完善保障機制,加快人才培養。

Developing countries were the main subject last week at yearly meetings of the international monitory ( monetary ) fund and world bank . finance ministers met for two days in singapore 在上星期國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行的年度會議中,發展中國家是主要主題。各國財政部長在新加坡進行了為期兩天的會晤。

Did you need a base ( the geneva - based ) campaign release ( ed ) this ( its ) land mine monitory report 2006 ( “ landmine monitor report 2006 “ ) at the united nations last week 基于日內瓦的運動上個星期在聯合國公布了2006年放雷檢測報告。

Effects of prefrontal cortex damage on the general intelligence , cognitive strategy and self - monitory capability of the lndividual 認知策略與自我監控能力影響的研究

Experimental study on comparing the development of judgement of ' retrospective monitory ' and ' prospective monitory 回溯性監測判斷與預見性監測判斷發展的比較研究

Report of state monitory network in the kaschin - beck disease area , gansu province in 2000年甘肅省大骨節病國家監測點監測報告

Analysis 198 cases of clozapine clood - drug concentration monitory schizophrenies 精神分裂癥患者氯氮平血藥濃度監測198例分析

Application of wireless transport technology to train safety monitory 無線傳輸技術在列車安全監控方面的應用

To the european monitory union . the emu 歐洲統一貨幣emu

Application of the participatory monitory and evaluation approach in mch work 在婦幼衛生工作中的應用

Development of remote diesel generating sets monitory system 多功能油機集中監控系統的研制