
monitor n.1.告誡物,提醒物;〔古語〕忠告者;勸告[告誡、警告...

monitor roof

Emergency radiation monitoring in early phase includes 早期的應急輻射監測包括

Our monitor is away , i ” m acting in his place 班長不在,我代替他行使班長職權。

From a performance monitor object manager only (僅限從性能監視器對象管理器中)

Monitor systems for unusual behavior and activity 監視系統不正常的行為和活動。

0621 ir color waterproof camera 15 inch b w monitor 14寸高解析彩色監視器附聲音

The administration and technique of environmental monitoring 環境監測管理與技術

Special consideration for setting up tax monitoring system 思路構建稅源監控體系

If an aerosol counter is used to monitor the concentration of particles in the emerging air, one finds that the concentration falls off with decreasing flow rate . 如果用一臺氣溶膠計數器檢測射出氣流中的粒子濃度,就會發現濃度隨流速的降低而減少。

Not surprisingly, it is too costly to monitor every requirement, and local administrators may be tempted to give farmers the benefit of the doubt . 毫不奇怪,監視每一項要求的費用太大,而且可能引起地方管理者給農民以好處的懷疑。

Production, consumption, income, and property cannot be effectively taxed or subsidized when they cannot be measured and monitored . 當生產、消費、收入和財產無法進行計量和監督時,就不可能有效地對他們進行征稅或給與補貼。

Progress in developing indices and monitoring techniques for air pollution were further advanced than in most other areas of environmental health . 在空氣污染指數與監測技術方面的進展比環境健康其它領域的進展更為顯著。

In several altered granites and gnoisses nascimento monitored swelling began almost immediately after the water was added . 在Nascimento觀察的幾塊蝕變的花崗巖和片麻巖中膨脹作用是在加水之后幾乎是立即就發生。

Radioactivity provides an extremely sensitive method of analysis since disintegration of individual nuclei are monitored . 因此放射現象可以監視每一個核的裂變,因此放射現象提供了一個極靈敏的分析方法。

Assuming that monitoring and coordination among levels of government and concerned sectors will continue, no disaster are foreseen . 假如政府及有關部門的監護和協作能繼續下去,就不會發生災難性損失。

These intercepts poured out of the radio room, where the monitors sat with their headphones on, into evaluation center . 監聽員戴著耳機坐在收報室里收報,截收的情報源源不斷地從收報室送到分析中心。

The rule is still insisted upon and monitored by the subcommittee, although its effectiveness is questionable . 這項規定仍然堅持不變,并由委員會分會加以監督,盡管能否貫徹執行是值得懷疑的。

The model 625 analyser is designed to monitor the dissolved oxygen concentration in boiler feed-water and other aqueous solution . 625型分析儀用來監視鍋爐進水和其它水溶液中溶解氧的濃度。

They often monitor what they write, going back over their writing to see that it is clear and unambiguous . 他們常常是在寫作的時候檢查自己的文章,把寫完的東西再看一遍,務求其清楚明白。

Thirty-six hours after the watchers left london, the russian receiver monitoring their communication closed down . 監視員離開倫敦36小時之后,俄國人用于監聽監視員通信的接收機就關機了。