
monism n.【哲學】一元論;【生物學】一元發生說。 ideali...


Hi connection with treaties , the basic concepts of “ monism “ and “ dualism “ have long been used to explain some of the relationships of treaty law to domestic law . and the states practices such as transformation ( indirectly application ) , adoption ( directly application ) , ect . , are varied because of legal traditions and different power arrangement 在這方面,各國關于條約與國內法之間關系的規定具有相當的靈活性,一跟通過憲法加以規定的,使之具有與國內法律相同或較為優越的地位,但一般低于憲法的效力。

The common characteristic of the traditional theories about the act researches is researching the concept of act in criminal law with the restrained thinking way of monism , i . e . onefold factual , onefold valued , or fact - value integrative methodology , which result in that it can not explain some especial act forms in the criminal laws , that it only explain those narrowly but can not withstand careful analysis , or that it only extends to explain all kinds of act forms , which does not accord with the daily thinking manners . this paper recognizes and redefines the concept of act in the research of the criminal law based on the suspicion and consideration of research methodology , in a fact - value segregative dualistic thinking way , in relation to analyse and comprehension of characteristic of some special act forms , such as “ holding “ , “ omission “ 傳統的行為理論的研究都有這樣一個共同的特點,即局限于一元論的思維方式,以單純事實的,單純價值的,抑或事實? ?價值一體化的方法論,來研究刑法理論中的“行為”概念,結果導致要么是無法解釋刑法上特殊的行為形式,要么只是表面上牽強附會卻經不起深入推敲,要么僅追求能有張力地解釋各種行為方式卻脫離了人們認識的思維習慣。本文正是基于對研究方法的質疑和反思,采用事實? ?價值分離的二元論思維方式,結合分析理解“持有” 、 “不作為”等刑法中特殊行為形式的特征,重新認識和界定了刑法理論研究中的“行為”概念。

Globalization made the change of contemporary chinese value sense manifesting diversity and complexity in the following aspects : value orientation changing from integrality to individuality ; value seeking changing from morality to interest guidance ; value criterion changing form monism to plurality 摘要全球化使當代中國價值觀念的變遷凸顯出多樣性和復雜性,其表現為:價值取向從整體向個體的轉變,價值追求從道義導向向利益導向的轉變,價值標準從一元性向多元性的轉變。

On the one hand , his knowledge background of natural sciences has entrusted to his philosophy the deep foundation of experience and fairly strong convincingment , so his ideology is regarded as transcending the category of traditional philosophy ; on the other hand , his ideology is the direct ideological origin of the vienna circle , and the birth and development of logical empiricism both have close relation with mach ' s ideology on element and the elemental monism 一方面,他的自然科學背景使他的哲學主張有了深厚的經驗基礎和較強的說服力,因而他的思想被看作超越了傳統哲學的范疇;另一方面,他的思想是維也納學派的直接思想來源,邏輯經驗主義的產生和發展都與馬赫的要素和要素一元論思想有著密切的關系。

The paper consists of three portions . the 1st portion introduces native and foreign act theory . it remarks the merit and shortcoming of the cause - effect act theory , the destination act theory , the social act theory and the personality act theory , induces and summarizes their thinking manners , refers their research restriction of monism , and sets up the dualistic methodology 本文分為三個大的部分,第一部分是介紹中西方的行為理論,主要就大陸法系的因果行為論、目的行為論、社會行為論、人格行為論的優劣分別作了簡要評說,并就這幾種理論的思維方式作了歸納總結,指出該理論的不完善來自一元思維方式帶來的研究局限性,進而提出二元論的研究方法。

The paper points out that marx ' s distinction between productive labor and non - productive labor should be furthered ; the argument that value determines the monism needs more convincing evidences ; the duplication of two kinds of labor should be verified ; marx ' s view of international value should be further elaborated under wto framework 文章認為:馬克思區分生產勞動和非生產勞動的論述需要更詳盡的體系;馬克思關于價值決定一元論的論斷需要更加信服的論證和論據;馬克思關于兩種勞動倍加的思路需要進一步求得實證的支持;馬克思關于國際價值決定的思想在wto框架下需要進一步闡述等。

Pluralism is one of the essential characteristics of post - modern philosophy , whose occurance is a reaction of monism of west culture in west traditional metaphysics when getting involved in difficulty in post - modernism because of its many defects 摘要多元論是后現代哲學最本質特征之一,它的出現是西方文化思想界、西方傳統形而上學一元論在現代主義運動中逐漸弊端彌生、陷入困窘之后的一個反動。

On one hand , he persisted in monism in historical materialism from start to end , that is , he insisted that material production and economic base were dominant in the development of society 我們可以把恩格斯晚年對唯物史觀的突出貢獻歸納兩個方面:一方面,他始終堅持唯物史觀的一元論基本原則。即,始終堅持物質生產、經濟基礎在社會發展中的決定作用。

Though honneth hesitates between critical theory and post - critical theory , idealism and realism , monism and pluralism , he has finally achieved the turning from critical theory to post - critical theory 盡管霍氏徘徊于批判理論與后批判理論、理想主義與現實主義、一元主義與多元主義之間,但是最終從批判理論走向了后批判理論。

Based on the monism of external idealism , hegel organized aesthetics categories to be an integrated system according to the principle of unifying the history and logic 摘要黑格爾在客觀唯心主義的一元論基礎上,把美學的各種主要范疇按照歷史與邏輯相統一的原則組織成為了一個完整的體系。

He ll talk nietzsche , or schopenhauer , or kant , or anything , but the only thing in this world , not excepting mary , that he really cares for , is his monism 他談尼采,談叔本華,談康德,什么都談。但在世界上他真正關心的只有他的一元論,別的他都不放在心上,包括圣母瑪利亞在內。

The five theories include : ( 1 ) the doctrine of spiritual ownership ; ( 2 ) the doctrine of absolute personal right ; ( 3 ) the doctrine of intangible property right ; ( 4 ) dualism ; and ( 5 ) monism ( 2 )絕對人格權說。此說認為版權的本質是人身權,因此版權不能轉讓。 ( 3 )無體財產權說。

It also utilizes the brahman / atman terminology and concepts that are found in the upanishads , thus breaking from the samkhya school by adopting concepts of vedantic monism 奧義書上也利用婆羅門/阿特曼(靈魂)的術語和概念,從而通過采用吠陀的一元論而從數論學派中分裂出來。

He was a spencerian like you till kreis turned him to materialistic monism . i ll start him on monism if i can . norton s another monist - only he affirms naught but spirit 我如果能夠,倒想跟他談談一元論諾爾屯也是個一元論者不過他只肯定精神,對其他的一切都懷疑。

Xu zhimo ' s poems are characterized by western romanticism in the form , while traditional chinese monism in thoughts 摘要徐志摩的新詩在形式上具有西方浪漫主義詩歌的特征,但在思維方式上卻體現了中國傳統的一元模式。

In the history of positivism , mach ' s ideology on element and the elemental monism has always occupied a very important position 摘要在實證主義哲學的發展史上,馬赫的要素及要素一元論思想始終占有非常重要的地位。

On the characteristics of quot; strong - monism quot; about scientific realism : an analysis of the recent pubications of guo gui - chun on scientific realism 以郭貴春先生近期的科學實在論之論著為對象的分析

As to this question , there exist different viewpoints . these viewpoints can be divided into two groups : the monism and the dualism 針對這一問題,存在不同的主張,有一元說也有二元說。

For jung , dualism and monism were not mutually contradictory and exclusive , but complimentary aspects of reality 作為容格,二元論和一元論并不是互相地對立和排外的,而是實相的連續外貌。