
monies n.〔罕用語〕 money 3. 的復數。


The mortgage model deed is drafted as an “ all monies “ 2 - party mortgage deed designed for use by mortgage lenders and homebuyers in connection with residential properties 標準按揭契據是以一切款項兩方按揭契據形式草擬,旨在供按揭貸款人及置業人士就住宅物業按揭貸款使用。

The bank will credit to the client ' s settlement account such monies ( net of any fees , charges or expenses incurred ) as may be received in consideration of the redemption of the fund investment 6銀行將所收到贖回基金款項(扣除所生的一切費用支出)貸記入客戶之結算帳戶。

16 shall upon the termination of this agreement return and deliver to the company all monies , documents , and other effects or property belonging to the company or relating to its business 此協議終止要返還公司所有屬于公司或與交易相關的錢款、文件和其他財務、財產。

“ a smart investor should have the ability to identify and therefore put his her monies in the hands of financial institutions who practise governance concepts whole - heartedly 在結束訪問時,他一再強調:醒目的投資者應懂得把其金錢交托予全心實踐公司管治的金融機構。

To receive all monies paid in to the credit union and within forty - eight hours after receipt , deposit all funds in his possession in the bank or banks prescribed by the board of directors 收受一切交與本社之款額、并于四十八小時內將收得之款項存入董事會指定之銀行

It must be clear that all monies genuinely belong to the applicant and his or her sponsor and that the money was not deposited solely for the purposes of the application 必須明確的是所有資金應該真實地屬于申請人和他/她的資助人,而不是僅僅為了申請簽證才存入的。

Otc forex trading is risky and only risk capital should be used . you agree that the initial deposit and any additional monies you deposit are risk capital 場外外匯交易是有風險的,且只有風險資金才可以被使用。您同意初始存款和任何額外存款的資金都是風險資金。

All applications for subscription will not be dealt with until all required supporting documentation and payments for the subscription monies have been received in full in cleared funds 所有認購之申請將不予受理直到所需證明文件及結清的認購款項已經收訖。

These monies provided relief through rotary clubs to over 5 , 000 families , many non - profit entities , and churches to help communities in the district rebuild 這些金錢透過扶輪社、許多非利益的團體與教會對超過5 , 000個家庭提供了緩解以協助地區內社區的重建。

It helps to have a variety of constructors to make it easy to make monies . constructors that convert from basic numeric types are always useful 最好我們擁有一系列構造函數以便我們生成貨幣的實例。將基礎類型自動進行轉換的構造函數通常都很有用。

In march 2001 , the beijing office has set up an advanced fund to render further assistance to the hong kong residents who have lost their monies in the mainland 此外,駐京辦于2001年3月設立了暫支帳目進一步協助在內地遺失金錢的香港居民。

The monies to enable the fund to pursue its objectives are provided by the united states , the european union , canada , australia and new zealand 為該基金會追求它的目標提供經濟保障的資金由來自美國、歐盟、加拿大、澳大利亞和新西蘭的捐款。

This fund receives monies from state - run lotteries as well as 10 % of the proceeds of initial public offerings of state - owned companies listed overseas 這個基金從國家發行的福利彩票獲得資助,也有10 %的收益來源于海外國有公司捐贈。

No exhibitor shall have any claim for any refund in respect to the space rental , as provided in these conditions or any other monies paid 任何參展商均不得提出任何退還本條件所規定的場地租賃費或已支付的任何其他費用的申索。

At any rate , i expressed grave doubt that china would be willing to tolerate two independent national monies trading at a floating exchange rate 無論如何,我實在懷疑中國能否忍受在一國之內有兩種獨立的貨幣按浮動匯率買賣。

For the purpose of this project , the steering committee intends to concentrate on the more commonly used “ all monies “ 2 - party model mortgage deed 不過就本計劃而言,統籌委員會集中處理比較常用的一切款項兩方按揭契據。

If you apply the hk ipo through boom , boom will deduct the subscription monies from your boom trading account and pay to the issuer 如你經boom申請認購新股,則boom會直接由你的boom交易戶口扣除認購款項并繳付予發行人。

The monies deposited were eventually withdrawn by the second defendant and transferred to the defendants joint savings account 存入的款項由次被告提取,并轉帳至一個由首被告和次被告聯名開立的儲蓄戶口內。

The agent shall not use , appropriate and / or in any way dispose of the monies , properties or securities belonging to the company 代理商不能使用和通過其他任何渠道使用屬于公司的錢款、財物或有價證券。