
monied adj.= moneyed.


Knowing very well that he did not harass the other women of the farm as he harassed her out of spite for the flooring he had once received , she did for one moment picture what might have been the result if she had been free to accept the offer just made her of being the monied alec s wife 苔絲知道得很清楚,他沒有這樣騷擾這個農場上的其他女人,他這樣對她進行騷擾,完全是因為要報他挨的克萊爾那一拳。有一會兒她想,要是她接受了阿歷克的求婚,做了他的妻子,那么這種結果又會是什么樣的情景呢?

The jeffersonians supported farmers over monied interests and opposed centralising policies such as creating a national bank 杰斐遜一派的人主張農民應享有充分的經濟利益,反對集權政策(如創辦國家銀行) 。

The monied men and women at davos owe their prosperity to the trading system the wto oversees 達沃斯論壇上的有錢男女之所以能發財,其實正該歸功于世貿組織主導的貿易體系。