
monica n.莫妮卡〔女子名〕。


Yeah well , we know he is at the santa monica pier , 是的,我們知道他會去santa monica碼頭

Well , i think , i think ross knows about me and monica 我想,我想羅斯知道我和莫尼卡的事

Monica : and they weren ' t looking at you before ? 他們在這之前沒看著你?

Monica : so what , you ' re not the only one 那又怎樣,并不只有你才是這樣。

Monica : shut up , and put my table back 莫妮卡:閉嘴,把我的桌子搬回去。

Monica : i know . . it ' s gonna be really hard 我知道…只是這樣做真的很難。

Monica : well , it ' s like that . with feelings 莫妮卡:就像那樣。帶感情的。

Monica : yes . i put it in this box 莫尼卡:是的,我把它放到這個盒子里了。

Monica : and what about you , yunbo , what do you do 莫尼卡:云波,你呢,你是做什么的?

I mean maybe its time go to talk with monica 我的意思是說該去和莫尼卡談談

Monica : well , go over to her ! she ' s not with anyone 嗯,過去打招呼啊,她又沒有同伴。

Monica : how would i know ? i - i wasn ' t here 我怎么知道?我,我早上又沒來。

Monica : would you let it go ? it ' s not that big a deal 別再提了好嗎,沒什么大不了的。

Monica : ( no longer touched ) you don ' t have insurance (不再摸她了)你沒有醫療保險?

Monica : can we just start throwing things in 可以直接開始扔東西進去了嗎?

Dashan : monica , rumei works at a university , too 大山:莫尼卡,如梅也在大學里工作。

Monica : oh god , is it 6 : 30 ? buzz him in 莫妮卡:天啊, 6點30了?讓他進來。

Monica : even if i were to shrink down to 2 inches tall 莫妮卡:即使我縮到兩英寸高?

Monica : what ? ! ! you cannot tell him that ! 莫尼卡:什么? !你不能告訴他這個!