
mongst = amongst.


No ; some er de niggers foun her ketched on a snag along heah in de ben , en dey hid her in a crick mongst de willows , en dey wuz so much jawin bout which un um she b long to de mos dat i come to heah bout it pooty soon , so i ups en settles de trouble by tellin um she don t b long to none uv um , but to you en me ; en i ast m if dey gwyne to grab a young white genlman s propaty , en git a hid n for it 是這兒幾個黑人發現木伐筏給一塊礁石當擋住了,就在這兒河灣里,他們就把它藏在小河浜里,在柳樹的深處。他們為了爭木伐筏歸誰所有,爭得不可開焦交,很快就給我聽到了。我跟他們說,木伐筏本不是他們中間哪一個人的,原本屬于你和我的。