
mongrel n.雜種(動植物);(特指)雜種狗。adj.雜種的,混血...


He was just a big foolish nervous noodly kind of a horse , without a second care in the world . but even a dog , he reflected , take that mongrel in barney kiernan s , of the same size , would be a holy horror to face 它只不過是一匹大塊頭笨拙而神經質的傻馬罷了,活在世上無憂無慮,他又尋思,甚至于狗,比方說,巴尼基爾南酒館那頭雜種的吧,要是個頭也有這匹馬這么大,碰上它可就夠嚇人的了。

And the last we saw was the bloody car rounding the corner and old sheepface on it gesticulating and the bloody mongrel after it with his lugs back for all he was bloody well worth to tear him limb from limb 我們最后看到的是:該死的馬車拐過彎去,坐在車上的那張怯生生的老臉在打著手勢。那只該死的雜種狗窮迫不舍,耳朵貼在后面,恨不得把他撕成八瓣兒!

And our eyes are on europe , says the citizen . we had our trade with spain and the french and with the flemings before those mongrels were pupped , spanish ale in galway , the winebark on the winedark waterway “然而,咱們用眼睛盯著歐洲, ” “市民”說, “那些雜種還沒呱呱落地之前,咱們就跟西班牙人法國人和佛蘭芒人搞起貿易來了420 。

She had more respect for michaelis , on whose name they all poured such withering contempt , as a little mongrel arriviste , and uneducated bounder of the worst sort . mongrel and bounder or not , he jumped to his own conclusions 他們一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛氣凌人地罵他是雜種的幸進者,是無教育的最賤的下流人,但是康妮卻比較尊重他。

The bloody nag took fright and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell and all the populace shouting and laughing and the old tinbox clattering along the street 該死的駑馬嚇驚了,那條老雜種狗宛如該死的地獄一般追在馬車后邊。烏合之眾大叫大笑,那老馬口鐵罐頭沿街咯嗒咯嗒滾去。

There he is , says i , in his gloryhole , with his cruiskeen lawn and his load of papers , working for the cause . the bloody mongrel let a grouse out of him would give you the creeps “他在那兒呢, ”我說, “在他的光榮洞里,跟滿滿的小壇子34和一大堆報紙在一起,正在為主義而工作著。 ”

Cruella : fifteen ! fifteen puppies ! how marvelous , how marvelous ! how perfectly … the devil ! take it ! they ' re mongrels … no spots ! no spots at all ! what a horrid little white rat 十五只小狗!太棒了,太完美了!嗯,這些冒牌貨!身上沒有斑點,可憐的小白鼠,快點拿走,我才不要呢!

Since she reminded me of a typical korean mongrel , i named her bong - soon after a character in a korean tv comedy show because of the good feeling that the name gave me 我覺得她的模樣很像典型的韓國混種狗,于是幫她取名為奉順此名源自于一出韓國喜劇,這個名字給我很美好的感覺。

Oh , look . i think we ` ve found our assassin - demon lord grawl , his master ` s favorite mongrel . . . let me search in my pack for something rusty and jagged 噢,看。我想我已經找到我們的刺客了? ?惡魔領主格勞爾,魔王最寵信的雜種。讓我在口袋里找找有沒有生銹起角的東西。

The bloody mongrel began to growl that d put the fear of god in you seeing something was up but the citizen gave him a kick in the ribs 那只該死的雜種狗發現出了什么事,嗥叫得令人毛骨悚然,然而“市民”只朝著它的肋骨踹了一腳。

Please voice out your views on animal welfare in hong kong for our animal friends , mongrels in particular 請把握機會,為全香港動物,為唐狗,提出您對改善動物福利的意見。

The mongrel club will also submit our views to afcd and concern groups attending the meeting 本會亦將以唐狗會名義,向漁護署及與會團體提交意見。

I can only hope that you , and the mongrel race that comprise your membership , 然后完全鏟平它,我希望我買下它的時候,你和你那些會員都還在

Thrash the mongrel within an inch of his life . the cat - o nine - tails 根據眾人的要求,都柏林市消防隊的邁爾斯373中尉在布盧姆身上點了火。

Don ' t make me laugh ! you paid two hundred pounds for a scruffy mongrel like that 我可不相信,你花200英鎊買了這樣一條不值錢的雜種狗?

Most people who own a pedigree dog look down their noses at somebody with a mere mongrel 大多數有純種狗的人總是瞧不起養雜種狗的人。

Josie : that ' s not surprising because it ' s not a thoroughbred , it ' s a mongrel 卓喜:那不奇怪啊,因為它不是純種狗,是混種的。

Mutt : a mongrel dog 雜種狗或非純種狗

My mother ' s dog is only an old mongrel but she thinks the world of him 我母親的狗只是一條雜種的老狗,但是她很喜歡它。