
mongoloid adj.(像)蒙古人種的;蒙古人[族]的。n.蒙古人種,...


Studies by physical anthropologists have confirmed that the neolithic people on ma wan were closely linked to those neolithic settlers of the pearl river region in guangdong , and they both were asian mongoloid 此外,馬灣東灣仔北墓地發現的人骨,經鑒定后證實與珠江流域的新石器時代居民有密切關系,同屬亞洲蒙古人種。

A decidedly different dynamic began to unfold over the next century as the first of many mongoloid invaders , the hsiang - nu , began to invade china 當最早的蒙古人種入侵者,也就是匈奴,開始入侵中國時,一種完全不同的戰爭面貌在此后的一個世紀揭開了面紗。

Yeah , except you acting iike some kinda spastic mongoloid in heat 是啊,但除了像你這種親熱的時候會變得如痙攣的患唐氏綜合癥的人

Great . another fucking mongoloid 真好,又一個先天癡呆