
mongolian n.1.蒙古人[語]。2.【醫學】先天愚型病人。adj....

mongolian idiocy

The best time of taking mongolian medicine 淺談蒙醫服藥最佳時間

The dinner was held at a mongolian restaurant next to the campus 飯是在校園邊的蒙古飯店吃的。

Every day there will be the wonderful performance of mongolian 每天上演精彩的蒙古族歌舞表演。

Gene frequency of seven traits from three mongolian populations 蒙古族3個群體7項性狀的基因頻率

A taxonomic study on the genus vicia l . in the mongolian plateau 蒙古高原野豌豆屬植物的分類研究

Creation of mongolian verbs on computer 蒙古語動詞計算機生成研究

Exploitation on mongolian mierqi clan origin 蒙古篾兒乞部族源考述

Policies of early ming dynasty on mongolian immigrants 試論明初政府對留居內地的蒙古遺民的政策

It seems to be a table knife of mongolian or other minorities 似乎是蒙族或其他少數民族餐刀?

Outstanding medical workers in fuxin mongolian medicine institute 簡介遼寧省阜新蒙醫藥研究所

Ethnic culture reflected in kinship terms of mongolians 論蒙古族親屬稱謂所反映的民族文化現象

A textual research of mongolian poetess naxunlanbao 清代蒙古族女詩人那遜蘭保及其相關問題考證

On the religious origin of mongolian dances 論蒙古族舞蹈的宗教淵源

Design mongolian webpage with the style sheets 用樣式表制作蒙文網頁

An approach of the melting into chinese of the eight - banner mongolian 清代八旗蒙古漢化初探

B yes , it was very good . i really like mongolian hotpot 好,非常不錯。我非常喜歡蒙古火鍋。

The ining words of mongolian love song 試析科爾沁蒙古族情歌中的襯詞

On the custom of belief in the mongolians and ecological outlook 蒙古族信仰習俗與生態觀淺議

Kerqin mongolian and multi - folk cultures 科爾沁蒙古族與多元民族因素