
mongolia n.1.蒙古〔亞洲〕。2.內蒙古。短語和例子Inner ...


Mongolia climatological information main page 蒙古各地氣候資料主網頁

Standard twin room b pearl inner mongolia hotel reservation 標準雙人房b ,草原明珠大酒店預訂

Inner mongolia academe of environmental science 內蒙古環境科學研究院

The development of cashmere industry of inner mongolia 內蒙古大興安嶺林區私有林發展的探討

The status quo and development of mongolia fork fine art 蒙古族民間美術的現狀以及發展趨勢

Insect survey on seabuckthorn forest in dalateqi , inner mongolia 內蒙古達旗沙棘林蟲害調查

Climatological information for mongolia and northern part of china 蒙古及中國北部氣候資料

Approach on development of organic food industry in inner mongolia 內蒙古林業發展戰略思考

Received an award from mongolia city hall 文藝振興獎,五個工程展蒙古

The people ' s republic of mongolia is on the north of china 蒙古人民共和國在中國的北面。

But we ' re quarrelling everyday as we explore mongolia 但是當我們在蒙古探險時每天都吵架

Research of currencies in the history of inner mongolia 論內蒙古歷代貨幣研究中的要點問題

Study on tongue moving types of six groups in inner mongolia 內蒙古6個人群舌運動類型研究

Mongolia medical treatment of hyperthyroidism 蒙藥治療甲狀腺功能亢進癥

Play - mongolia folk song : the shepherd s song 革胡-播放-內蒙民歌:牧歌

The salt affairs of alashan mongolia in the early qing dynasty 清前期阿拉善蒙古鹽務述論

The engineering property of aeolian sand in inner mongolia 內蒙古自治區風積沙的工程特性

Wait . . . i ' m going to have coverage on mongolia and central asia 等等. . .我要去蒙古和中亞

Deluxe single room pearl inner mongolia hotel reservation 豪華單人房,草原明珠大酒店預訂