
mongol n.,adj.蒙古人[語];蒙古人[語]的。


Mongol stringed instrument was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006 2006年馬頭琴已被列入第一批國家非物質文化遺產名錄。

Xiaofang is wrong . because mongols don ' t eat pork . so we should respect their custom 小芳做得不對。因為回族人民不吃豬肉,我們應該尊重回族同學的風俗習慣。

Milk wine , called “ arili ” in mongol language , smells good and tastes pure and sweat 奶酒,蒙古語稱“阿日里” 。澄澈醇香,沁人心脾,酒性柔軟,口感酸甜。

Thirty - three patients with acute sprain of ankle treated by pricking - blood letting therapy of mongol medicine therapy 中西醫結合治療霉菌性陰道炎200例

Applicants from china , bangladesh , mongol and myanmar , please submit a preliminary survey form 來自中國,孟加拉國,蒙古,緬甸的申請者請提交事前調查表。

Language : khalkha mongol is the official language . turkic , russian and chinese are spoken 語言:喀爾喀蒙古語為官方語言;突厥語、俄語和漢語也使用。

Nutritional components in fruits of ribes pulchellum used as edible wild fruits by the arhorchin mongols 阿魯科爾沁蒙古族食用野果小葉茶?的營養成分

Applicants from china , banglades , mongol and myanmar , please submit a preliminary survey form 持有中國孟加拉蒙古緬甸國籍者,請提出事前調查票。

Garrison the frontier and exploitation of arban sumun eleut - mongols in tarbaghatai in qing dynasty 清代塔爾巴哈臺額魯特蒙古十蘇木的戍守和開發

Clinic observation of traditinal mongol medicine be combine with needl for 25 cases with epilepsy 蒙醫灸療配合蒙藥治療癲癇病25例臨床觀察

After capturing a city , mongol armies would test the sincerity of the inhabitants ' surrender 蒙古軍攻下一座城后,會考驗城里居民的誠信。

The mongols defeat a polish and teutonic army , but do not ravage western europe 蒙古人擊敗了波蘭和土耳其人的軍隊,但是沒有蹂躪西歐。

A summary of international symposium on genghis khan and the formation of the mongol khanate 成吉思汗與蒙古汗國建立國際學術研討會綜述

On alashan mongols during the process of dispatching troops in the northwest in early qing dynasty 清前期出兵西北過程中的阿拉善蒙古

Current situation and countermeasures for urban community sport development in nei - mongol of china 內蒙古城市社區體育發展現狀及對策

The first great warrior leader of the mongols ? or great khan ? was genghis 蒙古人的第一位偉大的戰斗首領,也稱大汗,是成吉思汗。

If these were killed , the mongols would return to murder the entire population 如果代表被殺,蒙古軍會回來將居民殺個片甲不留。

Study on 4 human population genetic characters of mongol and han in western inner mongolia 漢族4項人類群體遺傳學特征的研究

Negotiations with russia fix the central asian frontier , and doom the mongols 與俄羅斯斡旋確立中亞邊境以及剿滅蒙古人。