
monger n.〔英國〕〔主要構成復合詞〕…商,…販子: fishm...


It is not known precisely what the legal consequences are for an unregistered animagus , but they are apparently rather severe , as the threat of exposure as an unregistered animagus was enough to persuade rita skeeter to take a year off from her job as a scandal - mongering reporter ( gf37 ) 我們并不清楚未注冊的阿尼馬格斯將面臨什么樣的法律后果,但肯定是相當嚴厲的,因為威脅泄露麗塔?斯基特是未注冊阿尼馬格斯的秘密足以迫使她一年內不再進行誹謗別人的記者工作( gf37 ) 。

“ so long as such threats of military action persist , iran has no option but ( to ) protect its security through all means possible , including protection of information which can facilitate openly stated and aggressive military objectives of the war mongers , “ said the letter , signed by ali ashgar soltanieh , iran ' s chief delegate to the iaea 維也納,奧地利(美聯社) ? ?伊朗,在一封張貼在聯合國原子能機構內部網站上的機密信件里,說它害怕來自美國和以色列的攻擊,因此決定停止向機構提供相關的監察信息。

Analysis of the causes in terms of the deep structure and surface structure of legal culture reveals that the legal culture of the state advocate the idea of “ no suit “ , that the legal system built upon this idea inevitably repels suit mongers , and that the evaluation of suit mongers is negative ; in contrast , the inclination towards suit in folk legal culture and legal practice encourages the involvement of suit mongers in legal cases , and thus people s evaluation of suit mongers and their profession is largely positive 從法文化的深層結構和表層結構分析,造成這種悖論的原因是:國家法文化所倡導的“無訟”觀念以及由此建立的法律制度必然排斥訟師的存在,因而對訟師的評價只能是反面的;而民間法文化中“好訟”的觀念傾向以及“健訟”的實踐卻使訟師成為不可缺少并得到大力發展的職業群體,因而對訟師的評價也大都是正面的。

As for cybercrime in broad sense , in fact , it is combination of some traditional crimes and internet instead of a category “ of crime , including cyber theft , cyber cheat , cyber racketeering and threatening , cyber smuggle , cyber insulting , slandering and rumor mongering , etc . , 至于用網絡的犯罪,實際上并不是犯罪類型,而是各種犯罪類型與網絡的結合,主要包括網絡盜竊、網絡欺詐、網絡敲詐勒索與恐嚇、網絡走私、販毒與銷贓、網絡侮辱、誹謗和造謠等。

British and australian medics writing in the influential journal said some drug companies were “ disease - mongering “ by widening the boundaries of treatable diseases in order to boost their markets 英國和澳大利亞的一些醫生在《英國醫學雜志》這份頗具影響力的刊物上發表文章說,一些制藥公司事實上正在“傳播疾病“ ,因為他們為了拓展市場不惜夸大了可治療性疾病的范圍。

A group of concerned malaysians issued a joint press statement on january 22 , demanding pj utara member of parliament chew mei fun ( bn - mca ) to retract her fear - mongering statement invoking may 13 and apologise to malaysians 一群憂心的馬來西亞公民發表聯合文告,要求八打靈北區國會議員周美芬(國陣-馬華)撤回企圖鉤起513流血事件制造恐慌言論,并向國人道歉謝罪

Group of concerned malaysians issued a joint press statement on january 22 , demanding pj utara member of parliament chew mei fun ( bn - mca ) to retract her fear - mongering statement invoking may 13 and apologise to malaysians 一群憂心的馬來西亞公民發表聯合文告,要求八打靈北區國會議員周美芬(國陣-馬華)撤回企圖鉤起513流血事件制造恐慌言論,并向國人道歉謝罪

Mr radulovich ' s great meteorological interest was the interaction of wind and fire ? a fitting concern for one who could never escape the scorching he had suffered in an era of super - heated scare - mongering 拉杜洛維奇先生強烈的氣象學興趣是風與火的交融? ?在一個高度過熱且恐怖蔓延的時代,這是對那些無法逃脫酷熱燃燒的人一種切入心扉的關愛。

Bernard birsinger , the suburb ' s communist mayor , accused mr . chirac of fear - mongering and dissembling when he predicted political and economic doom for france if the country rejected the constitution 伯納德.伯辛格,市郊一位信奉共?主義的市長指責希拉克散布恐懼心理以及掩飾問題。希拉克曾預言法國拒絕此憲法會帶來政治和經濟的末日。

This club always generates big headlines and we have seen more doom - mongering since the 0 - 0 draw at home to villarreal on tuesday night , but it is very much in our hands when we travel to lisbon 俱樂部經常成為報章的常客,在周二主場被比利亞雷亞爾0 - 0逼平的比賽后我們的形勢不好,但出征里斯本命運依然掌握在我們自己手里。

If the suit mongers , a special group of people in chinese legal history , are examined from the perspectives of the state and ordinary people , conflicting conclusions can be arrived at 摘要對于訟師這一中國古代法制史上的特殊群體,從國家和民眾兩種立場出發進行考察,所得出的相關結論是相悖的。

And yet , as this special report has already noted , many of the smartly dressed young people of tehran seem quite unmoved ( some are amused ) by the official hate - mongering 然而,就像我們這份報道所注意到的那樣,許多衣著利索的德黑蘭年輕人并不對官方的仇恨宣傳感興趣(一些甚至感到好笑) 。

He calls himself a “ hope - monger “ ; he argues ? not without reason ? that change cannot come if the country is mired in the old “ bush - clinton “ partisan politics 他戲稱自己為“希望商販“ ;他有理由辨稱如果這個國家還深陷在對“布什-克林頓“陳舊政治的推崇中,那么改變不可能來臨。

For the rumor mongers , we are taking legal actions and shall fully cooperate with police and inspection agencies to bring the unscrupulous persons to court 對造謠者,我公司將采取法律行動并與警檢單位全面配合冀能盡快將不法之徒繩之以法。

Although western companies tolerate gossip , they do not encourage it , and they are definitely against rumors and rumor - mongering 雖然西方國家的公司接受閑談,但他們不鼓勵,而且他們果斷反對謠言及散布謠言。

Although western companies tolerate gossip , they do not encourage it , and they are definitely against rumors and rumor - mongering 雖然西方國家的公司接受閑談,但他們不鼓勵,而且他們堅決反對謠言及散布謠言。

Let me take you right now to the words of the fear mongers , for they create the conspiracies that are everywhere 讓我現在就告訴你關于那些恐懼傳播者的辭匯,他們在每個地方制造陰謀。

As we know , rumour - mongers serve their own selfish purposes . they are not acting in the interest of all of us 大家都應了解到,造謠者是為自己利益,不是為大家的利益。

A comparative study of this group of people will help us have a better understanding of suit mongers 這種不同立場比較下的考察會對我們全面認識訟師有所裨益。