
moneyman 金融專家。


He meets hollywood luminaries who wail about being oppressed and disenfranchised , moneymen who think that money is everything and voters are morons , and bloggers who think that profanity is an adequate substitute for thought 他還和很多人會過面,比如哭訴自己遭受壓迫、被剝奪權利的好萊塢名流、視金錢唯一切、選民為蠢貨的金融家、認為褻瀆足以代替思想的博客主。

But wall street ' s moneymen must take some of the blame : they were slower to embrace electronic trading than those in london 但是華爾街的金融家一定感到羞愧:他們比倫敦的金融家晚一些才使用電子交易。

When it comes down to it , we ' re just moneymen at work 歸根到底我們只是工作掙錢的人而已