
moneymaking adj. 貪財謀利的,很會賺錢的;(事業等)有利的。2....


While upper - class european intellectuals generally looked on commerce with disdain , most americans ? living in a society with a more fluid class structure ? enthusiastically embraced the idea of moneymaking 歐洲上流社會知識分子對經商持鄙視態度,而在階級結構不固定社會中生活的大多數美國人則熱衷于發財致富。

Having identified a grand concept , he was willing to patent and demonstrate it , but he often left it to others to carry out the down - and - dirty work of engineering a moneymaking product 每當找到一個重要的觀念后,他便會去申請專利并且公開展示,但是他總是把實際動手以及制造成營利產品的骯臟工作留給其他人做。

In the library world , km is as important for libraries as for businesses minus the competitive , proprietary , and moneymaking concerns 知識管理對圖書館向對企業界一樣地重要,只是圖書館不存在競爭、所有權和想辦法賺錢的問題。

Sensing a moneymaking mutation , the rancher promptly put the ram out for stud 牧場主人曉得這項突變具有生財的潛力,于是馬上就把這只公羊做為種羊。

Successful investment is about capturing every moneymaking opportunity as it arises 分散投資看它開技散葉投資獲利,在于把握時機。

Success in moneymaking is not always a good criterion of real success in life 賺大錢與否不足以作為生活中是否真正成功的標準。

He ' s intent on moneymaking 他一心一意地賺錢

He ' s intent on moneymaking 他一心一意地賺錢。

Take advantage of moneymaking ventures 一定要抓住賺錢的機會。

All your energy should be directed into moneymaking opportunities 所有的精力都應該用在賺錢上。