
moneylender 放債的人。


Now shylock is a representative of both of the things of which we have been speaking : of money , because he is himself a moneylender , and of exclusion , because he is the excluded thing 夏洛克代表了我們剛才所一直提到的金錢,因為他自己就是放高利貸的人,同時也代表了排他性,因為他自己被排斥在外。

All the debtors were taken to a licensed moneylender in nathan road to process their loan applications . the officer was told that only $ 5 , 000 would be lent to him and had to be repaid in 14 instalments 該名探員及其他三名借貸人稍后被帶往彌敦道一間有牌貸款代理商辦理手續,申請貸款。

The son of a maltjobber and moneylender he was himself a cornjobber and moneylender with ten tods of corn hoarded in the famine riots 作為啤酒批發商和放高利貸者的兒子,他本人也是個小麥批發商和放高利貸的。當由于鬧饑荒而引發那場暴動時,他手里存有十托德362小麥。

Hou ning , a beijing - based analyst , says that in the countryside unlicensed moneylenders have been helping farmers into the markets with unsecured high interest loans 北京一位分析家侯寧(音)說,農村里那些非法放貸者放出不安全的高利貸來助長農民進入股市。

A moneylender serves you in the present tense , lends you in the conditional mood , keeps you in the subjunctive , and ruins you in the future 放貸者是以現在式為你服務,以條件式借你錢,讓你處于附屬性,而毀你于將來

41 “ two men owed money to a certain moneylender . one owed him five hundred denarii , [ 4 ] and the other fifty 42因為他們無力償還,債主就開恩免了他們兩個人的債。這兩個人那一個更愛他呢?

“ if you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy , do not be like a moneylender ; charge him no interest 25我民中有貧窮人與你同住,你若借錢給他,不可如放債的向他取利。

“ two men owed money to a certain moneylender . one owed him five hundred denarii , and the other fifty 41耶穌說,一個債主,有兩個人欠他的債。一個欠五十兩銀子,一個欠五兩銀子。

Lk . 7 : 41 a certain moneylender had two debtors : one owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty 路七41耶穌說,一個債主有兩個債戶,一個欠五百銀幣,另一個欠五十銀幣。

A certain moneylender had two debtors : one owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty 41耶穌說,一個債主有兩個債戶,一個欠五百銀幣,另一個欠五十銀幣。

A banker or moneylender 銀行家或放債人

Not a petty moneylender like me 不像我這么好

Your profession was that of a banker , usurer , moneylender or judge 您的行業是銀行家,高利盤剝者,放債人或法官。

The devil on moneylenders 對那些放債者毫不姑息。

I ' m a moneylender and you ' re a fishmonger 我放高利貸你只是賣魚的