
moneyed adj.1.富有的,有錢的。2.金錢(上)的。短語和例子...


Certainly in every public work which in it anything of gravity contains preparation should be with importance commensurate and therefore a plan was by them adopted whether by having preconsidered or as the maturation of experience it is difficult in being said which the discrepant opinions of subsequent inquirers are not up to the present congrued to render manifest whereby maternity was so far from all accident possibility removed that whatever care the patient in that allhardest of woman hour chiefly required and not solely for the copiously opulent but also for her who not being sufficiently moneyed scarcely and often not even scarcely could subsist valiantly and for an inconsiderable emolument was provided 彼等遂采取一項方案7不知為深思熟慮之結果,抑或出自積年累月之經驗,尚難斷言。因后世研究者意見紛紜,迄今尚無定論:分娩乃女性所面臨之最大苦難。當此之際,只需交納微不足道之費用,不論其家道殷實,抑或僅能勉強糊口,乃至一貧如洗,產院律施以必要之醫療,俾使孕婦免遭任何可能發生之意外。

Their places are being taken by moneyed professionals , the sort of people who weren ' t brought up to hunt but who discovered that it is a good way to flash their money and make connections 腰纏萬貫的職業獵人霸占了他們的捕獵領地,這種獵人原來壓根不曾想過要去打獵,但后來卻發現打獵對于炫耀財富并疏通人際關系而言,是一條不錯的門路。

If he makes any noise here i ll bring down seymour and we ll give him a ragging worse than they gave clive kempthorpe . young shouts of moneyed voices in clive kempthorpe s rooms 要是他在這兒稍微一鬧騰,我就把西摩30帶來,我們會狠狠地收拾他一頓,比他們收拾克萊夫肯普索普的那次還要厲害。 ”

That the moneyed are munificent is welcome , but that the best brains in business take the giving seriously matters , too 有錢人愿意慷慨解囊當然是好事,不過這些商業精英能認真處理捐贈也是意義重大。

Here was the place where the matter of expense limited the patrons to the moneyed or pleasure - loving class 這種地方,由于費用昂貴,只有那些有錢的或者喜歡作樂的階層的人,才會成為這里的主顧。

We should build up the moneyed interest system of good relationship and development between the banks and enterprises 構建銀企關系良性發展的金融交易制度

He was not a moneyed man 杜洛埃不是嗜酒如命的人,也不是富人。

It is time he understood, i think, what the moneyed men of this community think of him and his crooked ways . 我認為,現在他應該曉得,這個社會有錢的人對他和他的下流手段抱著一種什么看法。