
moneybag n.錢袋,錢包; 〔pl.〕〔口、喻〕財富,財產;〔pl...


If he ' s openly jabbering with his coach , then fairly or unfairly , either those stiff - shirt moneybags paying to be entertained or sponsors and observers , will soon wonder whether james is heading down the path of a spoiled , rich athlete with a problem respecting authority 如果他公開對其主教練喋喋不休地抱怨,那么那些西裝筆挺、花錢找樂子的富翁、贊助商和觀察家們,無論公正與否,很快就會產生疑問,詹姆斯是不是也走上了被寵壞了的富翁球員常常走過的那條“無視權威”之路。

Because a few people send the example of big money to make model , because good dream thinks , because make the temptation of moneybags likely , they entered security market eventually , to realize oneself dream , they are mixed in the hearsay that keeps asking to be able to make they become rich quickly everywhere inside information , they browse in great quantities a criticizes comment tv to go up latent capacity on newspaper recommend , and ceaseless average sells go out , period of time comes down they discover the person that can realize a dream to enter profit group truly is little little , most person made meaningless sacrifice , disastrous , bruise again and again 由于有一些人發大財的事例做榜樣,由于有美好的夢幻想,由于有可能成為富翁的誘惑,他們終于進入了證券市場,為了實現自己的夢,他們在不停地到處打聽可以使他們快速致富的小道消息和內幕消息,他們大量翻閱報紙上的股評評論電視上的潛力股推薦,并且不停的買進賣出,一段時間下來他們發現真正能實現夢想進入盈利群體的人少之又少,多數人做了無謂的犧牲,損失慘重,傷痕累累。

Coins counted and checked were put into designated moneybags . they were dispatched together with a list of records to the account office where the cashiers or clerks would further inspect and countercheck the records . the bags of coins would then be stored in a strong room for delivery to the bank the following morning 數錢職員把點算好的硬幣以指定的錢袋盛載,連同紀錄卡一并交予出納部的總出納員或文員核對入賬,辦妥后所有錢袋會儲存于保險庫,留待第二天早上押往銀行。

The stock invests an introduction : a lot of in small shareholder entered security market ambitiously , they hope security market is mine of a gold , can make they become rich quickly , enter the range of large family , super large family or moneybags quickly 股票投資入門:很多中小股民雄心勃勃地進入了證券市場,他們希望證券市場是一個金礦,能使他們快速致富,迅速進入大戶、超級大戶或富翁的行列。

Adventurer and moneybags virgin chairman sir richard branson richard branson , set a new world record on june 14 , this time for the fastest crossing of the english channel by the amphibious car aquada which likes james bond ' s very much 英國冒險家兼富豪,維珍集團公司的老板理查德?布蘭森于六月十四日駕駛著這輛詹姆士?邦德式的水陸兩棲跑車以最快速度穿越了英吉利海峽,創造了一項新的世界紀錄。

Chinese moneybags is not quite much very main a reason teachs education to arrive as a child because of ours namely is to seek a good job all the time greatly , that is destined we lay worker worker all one ' s life 中國富翁不夠多很主要一個原因就是因為我們的教育培養從小到大一直都是找份好工作,那就注定我們打一輩子工。

Hold the bag , come to guangdong , life place approach , develop an uterus , begin very painful , become loose slowly , hundreds of , already became moneybags , repair long mouth of a cave , remarry husband 兩手空空,來到廣東,生活所迫,開發子宮,開始很痛,慢慢變松,一次幾百,已成富翁,修修洞口,再嫁老公

Vieri ' s future at inter has been the subject of intense speculation for a number of months now , with premiership moneybags chelsea believed to be keen on bringing the striker to england 在最近幾個月中,有關維耶里在國米未來的各種猜測鋪天蓋地,曾一度傳聞英超巨頭切爾西有意將他帶到英超。

I tucked the moneybag in under the lid , just down beyond where his hands was crossed , which made me creep , they was so cold , and then i run back across the room and in behind the door 害得我全身直發抖。死者雙手是冰涼涼的。接著我從房間的這一頭跑回到另一頭,躲在門背后。

Internazionale have ruled out any suggestions that they were prepared to sell star striker christian vieri to premiership moneybags chelsea 國米否認會將王牌射手維耶里出售給英超豪門切爾西。

Moneybags chelsea are thought to have made brazilian international kaka their top transfer target for next summer 財大氣粗的切爾西被認為將在今年夏天引進這位巴西國家隊成員。

They may seat you between a hilarious raconteur and a moneybags who awards you a huge contract 坐在你兩邊的,可能是一位滔滔不絕的健談者,和一位給你大單合同的富翁。

E . g : she hates working , and is just busy with finding a moneybags to be her husband , does that a daydream 例句:她不想工作,忙著找個大款當老公,這不是做白日夢嗎?

The courtesans , as vandeuvres used to say , avenged public morality by emptying his moneybags 正如旺德夫爾所說,那些女人用洗劫他的錢財的方式來為道德報仇。

Collect moneybags to earn date money and power drinks to boost your spirits 收集每日的錢幣,以至于可以有條件飲酒