
money n.1.貨幣;錢,金錢。2.財產,財富,財力。3.〔主 ...

money belt

The plan is a dead duck : there is no money . 計劃告吹了,因為沒有錢。

Certainly , please fill in the money order form . 可以,請填寫匯款單。

I have little money and few interests . 我沒有什么錢,也沒有什么愛好。

The money was applied to the payment of debts ... 那筆錢被用來還債了。

The money came from world-wide contribution . 這筆錢是世界各地捐贈的。

Lend him money ? i will see him in hell first . 把錢借給他?絕對不行。

I have to cough up money to get the car fixed . 我只好花錢去修車。

I can not possibly lend you so much money . 我沒有可能借給你這么多錢。

I don't like to throw my money down the drain . 我不愿把我的錢白扔掉。

The love of money is the root of all evil . 熱戀金錢是一切罪惡的淵藪。

She extracted the money from his wallet . 她從他的皮夾里拿走了錢。

Two weeks passed. they ran out of money . 兩星期過去,他們的錢用光了。

We don't give money to beggars. clear off ! 我們不給乞丐錢,走開!

How would we cope once the money had gone ? 錢一用完,我們怎么辦?

The process of money creation will stop cold . 貨幣創造過程就會停滯。

I gave him what little money i had . 我把所有的一點點錢統統給了他。

You have not paid me the money you owe me .. 你欠我的錢還沒還給我呢。

He is laying aside money for his old age . 他在積儲錢以備晚年之用。

Fred hildebert cut off the money . 弗雷德希爾德伯特把那筆錢整沒了。