
monetize vt.1.把…作為法定貨幣。2.使具有貨幣性質。3.把…...


When the user of a house that is to be demolished purchases a commodity residential house with the monetized resettlement money , he / she shall submit , to the relevant bank , the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re [ ] , the house purchase contract , and the certificate of deposit for the purchase of house 被拆遷房屋使用人以貨幣化安置款購買商品住宅的,應當向有關銀行提交房屋拆遷貨幣化安置協議、購房合同和購房存款單。

That involves a long term strategy of dailing activities designed to 1 ) create significant content that is 2 ) search engine friendly and buyer friendly while 3 ) “ monetizing “ the site so that it generates several streams of income from both advertising and affiliate sales 涉及長期戰略靈活動旨在1 )造成重大內容就是2 )搜索引擎友好友好而買方3 ) “貨幣化“ ,使之產生幾個工地溪流收入來自廣告和附屬銷售

Monetized resettlement shall not apply to privately owned houses that have been leased out unless the lessor and the lessee reach an agreement on the distribution of the monetized resettlement money 被拆遷私有居住房屋出租的,不適用貨幣化安置方式,但出租人和承租人對貨幣化安置款的分配協商達成一致意見的除外。

Photos and videos are tougher to monetize , but we should expect that generic social networks might get into video sharing as soon as someone figures out profitable and clean way of making money in this vertical 這兩者都沒有應用什么復雜的技術而且簡單明了,但可能它們通過文字廣告所能獲得的錢途也比較有限。

In 2001 , salar led a small engineering team to define and launch the adwords product in order to monetize the company s growing search traffic 在2001年, salar領導了一組小型技術團隊,負責界定adwords產品及發行事宜,以利用公司日益增加的搜尋流量來創造收益。

Use standard xml formats such as smil or asx for delivering client - side or server - side playlists and monetizing your content with in - stream pre - roll and interstitial ads 使用標準xml如smil或asx來傳送用戶端或服務器端的播放隊列,并見縫加播廣告,增加收入。

It helps publishers and merchants monetize their content and control all aspects of online advertising in - house while using their existing infrastructure 它有助于媒體和商戶將廣告內容貨幣化,而且能做到利用他們現有的設施和人力就能控制在線廣告的方方面面。

In “ days ” to come you ' ll see me tackle issues that get more involved and apply to almost anyone with a website - whether you monetize your traffic or not 最后的想法你們當中可能覺得今天的課程太簡單了,有些還可能還是有點不太明白,因為你們不是二級經銷商

In “ days ” to come you ' ll see me tackle issues that get more involved and apply to almost anyone with a website - whether you monetize your traffic or not 你們當中可能覺得今天的課程太簡單了,有些還可能還是有點不太明白,因為你們不是二級經銷商

The title to the commodity residential house purchased with the monetized resettlement money shall belong to the purchaser 以貨幣化安置款購買的商品住宅產權,屬于購房人所有。

When we buy a company , we are monetizing the owner for a lifetime ' s worth of work 當我們買下一家公司時,就等于是買斷經營者一輩子的經營所得。

Monetize housing distribution 住房分配貨幣化