
monetarism n.【經濟學】貨幣主義〔一種主張控制貨幣增長率的經濟學理...


Based on china “ s stylized facts behind foreign trade and a brief review of trade theories in new classicalism , keynesianism , monetarism and intertemporal approach of current account , a theoretical model is built . in this model , relative price , saving rate , technology progress rate in tradable department comparing with nontradable department , and foreign direct investment are all included to explain trade balance 利用本文的研究框架并結合實證資料,可以發現高儲蓄率、貿易品部門相對于非貿易品部門較快的技術進步率和國外直接投資在1993年以后的大規模流入都是促成中國1994年以后貿易余額持續順差的主要原因。

Keynesianism ' s monetary policy transmission mechanism directly regards interest rate as the core which link money with productive quantity , not by means of price , in a sense , keynesianisrn completely escapes the range to which quantity theory of money confines monetary analysis , representative of monetarism academic category - milton friedman thinks change of quantity of money supply is the most reliable measure standard of monetary propulsion 凱恩斯主義貨幣政策傳導機制直接把利率作為聯結貨幣與產量的樞紐,而不是借助于物價;從這個意義上說,凱恩斯主義完全擺脫了貨幣數量說,把貨幣分析局限于物價論的框框。貨幣主義學派的代表人物弗里德曼卻認為貨幣供應量的變動是貨幣推力的最可靠測量標準。

On the other hand , begin with the < < the general theory of employment , interest , and money > > in 1936 , the modern macroeconomics have experienced several revolutions . began from “ keynesian revolution “ to the “ monetarism revolution “ to the “ the rational expectations revolution “ to the “ new keynesian theories “ to the “ real - business - cycle model “ , because there have been so many rival theories and models , it make the famous economist blanchard found it was necessary to release a statement in his macroeconomics textbook : “ we truly believed there existed an useful macroeconomics “ 同樣,自1936年凱恩斯的《通論》出版標志著現代宏觀經濟學的誕生以來,宏觀經濟理論也經歷了跌宕起伏的劇烈變化。從“凱恩斯革命”到“貨幣主義革命”到“理性預期革命”到“新凱恩斯主義”到“真實經濟周期模型” ,最終到“內生經濟增長模型” 。已經存在如此多的彼此競爭的理論和模型,以至于著名宏觀經濟學家布蘭查德覺得有必要在其教科書中聲明: “我們確實相信存在一門有用的宏觀經濟學” 。

After reviewing traditional exchange rate theories and their models especially monetarism exchange rate theory , the paper analyzes the shortnesses of the traditional exchange rate behavior describing and forecasting ways and discusses the direction to look for the new method 在回顧了經典的匯率理論及其相應的模型特別是詳細討論了貨幣主義匯率理論后,本文總結了傳統的匯率行為描述和預測方法的不足并探討了尋找新的方法的方向。

In modern economics , the prevailing monetary theory mainly refers to the monetary theories of prevailing keynesianism and monetarism . these theories were established upon the monetary exogeneity 現代經濟中,主流的貨幣理論主要是指主流凱恩斯主義和貨幣主義學派,這些理論建立在貨幣外生性基礎上。

Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon , said milton friedman , the economist who revived monetarism in the 1960s and 1970s 在二十世紀六十年代和七十年代曾使貨幣主義復興一時的經濟學家米爾頓?弗里德曼說過,通貨膨脹在任何時間任何地點都是一種貨幣現象。

But whatever its short - term usefulness for clamping down on inflation , monetarism proved an unreliable lodestar for steering the economy 但無論貨幣主義對降低通貨膨脹在短期內是多么有效,它并不是掌控經濟的可靠原則。

Remarks on the effectiveness of china ' s fiscal policy : the divergence on fiscal policy between the keynesian economics and monetarism and its implications 凱恩斯主義者與貨幣主義者在財政政策上的分歧及其啟示

In britain , margaret thatcher ' s espousal of monetarism eventually brought inflation down with a bump in the early 1980s 在英國,瑪格麗特對于貨幣主義的擁護最終使通貨膨脹在20世紀八十年代降了下來。

Whereas monetarism buckled as a policy , inflation targeting has proved far more effective 反之當貨幣主義不再作為政策而存在時,通貨膨脹目標被證明是比其更加有效的。

He expanded on this theory , known as monetarism , by studying years of american monetary policy 通過研究美國多年的貨幣政策,他發展了自己被稱為貨幣主義的理論。

Monetarism failed the operational test in the early 1980s 貨幣主義在二十世紀八十年代早期的試運行中失敗了。

On monetarism and alienation of human nature 論貨幣化與人性的異化