
mondial adj.全世界的。


Mondial assistance china committed itself to build and develop the chinese market of travel insurance and automotive assistance with the aiming of setting the higher service standard for china related industry by its global presence , strong networks and over 50 years professional knowledge and experiences 蒙迪艾爾中國公司致力于建立和發展中國的旅行保險和汽車救援方面的市場,通過集團及遍布全球的分支機構,強大網絡及50余年的專業知識和經驗為中國相關行業建立更高的服務標準。

The organization committee of xi world scout moot mondial , mexico 2000 invites all the associations of the world scout movement organization ( wsmo ) , as well as all national or international non government organizations , uno agencies , private organizations as well as all dependencies and ministries of the federal , state or municipal government , youth organizations and associations , educational institutions and all those interested in presenting their community development projects in the global development village ( g . d . v . ) 墨西哥第11屆世界羅浮大會的籌備委員,邀請世界童軍運動組織中的各國童軍總會、各個國內及國際性的非政府組織、聯合國機構、私人組織及政府單位、青年團體、教育機構、及所有有興趣在地球村展示其有關社區發展計劃的團體。

Mondial assistance chinamondial assistance group , worldwide leader in assistance , travel insurance and customer services , provides its corporate clients with tailor - made solutions , and their customers with seamless , real time assistance 蒙迪艾爾集團在救援,旅行保險和客戶服務等領域處于世界領先地位,它為集團客戶提供有針對性的解決方案并給予顧客最及時的,符合并超越他們期望的救援服務。

Mondial assistance group , worldwide leader in assistance , travel insurance and customer services , provides its corporate clients with tailor - made solutions , and their customers with seamless , real time assistance 蒙迪艾爾集團在救援,旅行保險和客戶服務等領域處于世界領先地位,它為集團客戶提供有針對性的解決方案并給予顧客最及時的,符合并超越他們期望的救援服務。

As one company of allianz group , second largest insurance company in the world , mondial assistance group counts more than 7 , 000 staff and maintains 37 operations centers in 28 countries and spans 5 continents 作為安聯集團(世界第二大保險公司)的子公司之一,蒙迪艾爾集團擁有7 , 000多名員工和遍布于5大洲的28個國家的37個操作中心。

Mondial assistance china will establish the assistance systems and networks all over the country in the coming several years and provide most professional and best services to whole china market 在未來的幾年內,公司將建立遍布全國的救援體系和網絡,為整個中國市場提供最專業最優秀的服務。

Mondial - assistance will arrange and provide the medical evacuation and repatriation services , if the insured person suffers an injury or sickness during a trip 若被保險人罹患疾病或遭受意外事故,由蒙迪艾爾旅行援助服務公司安排及提供醫療運送和送返的服務。

With the business expansion in asia pacific , mondial assistance group established its wholly owned company in china in y2003 隨著公司業務在亞太地區的不斷拓展,蒙迪艾爾集團于2003年在中國建立了其全資子公司。

Mondial - assistance will arrange the repatriation of remains of the insured person to his / her place of residence 若被保險人不幸身故,蒙迪艾爾旅行援助服務公司安排遺體送返住所地。

Mondial de l ' automobile , paris 巴黎車展

Prix mondial cino del duca 奇諾戴爾度卡世界獎

Drm . digital radio mondial - system specification 全球數字廣播