
monde n.〔法語〕1.時髦社會;社交界上流社會(= beau ...


Aurelia is the core performer of the famous “ lido de paris cabaret “ from france . she participated in many large scale world class performances and tv shows , including the italian riva del guarda festival and the french tv series le plus grand cabaret du monde . she also received the gold award in the monte carlo festival -著名的法國儷都歌舞團臺柱,曾在多個大型國際級表演及電視節目表演,包括意大利的riva del guarda festival ,法國的電視節目le plus grand cabaret du monde等,她更在賭城蒙地卡羅舉辦的monte carlo festival獲得金獎稱譽。

Monde at la force ! and a thousand answering shouts . he closed the lattice again with a fluttering heart , closed the window and the curtain , hastened to lucie , and told her that her father was assisted by the people , and gone in search of her husband 他心驚膽戰地關上了百葉窗和玻璃窗,拉上了窗簾,然后匆匆跑去告訴露西,她的父親得到了人民的幫助,已去尋找她的丈夫去了,同時卻發現露西的女兒和普洛絲小姐已跟她在一起。

Connie guessed , however , that her father had said something , and that something was in clifford s mind . she knew that he didn t mind whether she were demi - vierge or demi - monde , so long as he didn t absolutely know , and wasn t made to see 然而康妮卻猜出了她的父親對無利福說過了什么,而克利福緘默地把它守在心里,她知道,她是否守活寡,或是與人私通,克利福是不關切的,只要他不確切地知道,和不必一定去知道。

“ halloween pretty much buried , “ the daily le monde reported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , who attributed the festival ' s demise in france to “ a cultural reaction linked to the rise of anti - americanism “ 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

“ halloween pretty much buried , “ the daily le monde reported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , who attributed the festival s demise in france to “ a cultural reaction linked to the rise of anti - americanism “ 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

Au sujet de la culture , les points de vue relativement unanimes d ' un grand nombre de specialistes en gestion sont les suivants : la culture est le mode de vie et les manieres de 1 ' observation du monde 譬如心理狀態、思維方式、社會習慣、人情世態、行為準則等。在一定的文化影響下所形成的人們的態度、類型、價值觀、準則等,決定了該人群總體的行為方向。

In a recent interview with france - s le monde newspaper , he said star wars and its good - against - evil storyline has become a simplistic prototype for today - s blockbuster 貝斯肯德在最近接納法國《世界報》采訪時說,星球大戰的戰役和它正邪抗爭的故事小說文學情節已經成為了一種什么樣的過分超量簡化的模型,被今天的精彩大片影片廣泛采用。

Monde , called darnay , was at length arraigned . his judges sat upon the bench in feathered hats ; but the rough red cap and tricoloured cockade was the head - dress otherwise prevailing 他的法官們頭戴飾有羽毛的帽子,坐在審判席上,別的人主要戴的是佩三色徽章的紅色粗質便帽。

Passeport _ monde _ pour _ trinit - et - tobago pr sentation g n rale et g ographie . information sur la capitale , la culture du cacao et la gastronomie 中國知識產權在線企業知識產權綜合信息網,包括相關法律法規,新聞資訊,商標轉讓,專利轉讓,商標注冊,商標設計等。

Avec des champs qui repr sentent peine 7 de la surface cultiv e du monde , notre agriculture nourrit une population qui d passe un cinqui me de la population mondiale 我們的農業以不到世界百分之七的耕地面積,卻養活了超過世界五分之一的人口。

Whether its oysters at felixs , jazz at the funky butt , abita drafts at mollys or a steaming mug at caf du monde , orleanians love to get together 因為幾度易主,歷史上留下不少各種人物活動的痕跡,如法國大革命時期流亡的反革命分子,雇傭兵,海盜,運

Avec des cham qui repr sentent peine 7 de la surface cultiv e du monde , notre agriculture nourrit une population qui d pa e un cinqui me de la population mondiale 我們的農業以不到世界百分之七的耕地面積,卻養活了超過世界五分之一的人口。

She describes this traumatic mental voyage in her prize - winning autobiography les enfants du bout du monde ( “ the children from the other end of the world “ ) 她在她的得獎自傳《世界彼岸的兒童》一書中描述了她經歷過的精神痛苦。

Citizen evr monde , she said , touching him with her cold hand . i am a poor little seamstress , who was with you in la force “埃佛瑞蒙德公民, ”她用冰涼的手碰碰他說, “我是個可憐的小女裁縫,跟你在拉福斯一起坐過牢的。 ”

Les points de vue sont galement tr s divers en ce qui concerne la religion des nomades , leur “ mod le ” du monde , et enfin leur art 關于游牧民族的宗教、世界“模型”以及它們的藝術,同樣備受爭議,觀點紛呈。

Monde , called darnay . in the universal fear and distrust that darkened the time , all the usual harmless ways of life were changed 在籠罩著那個時代的普遍的恐怖和猜疑的陰影之下,日常的無害的生活方式改變了。

A gaoler , with a list in his hand , looked in , merely saying , follow me , evr monde ! and he followed into a large dark room , at a distance 一個看守拿著名單往門里望了望,只說了句, “隨我來,埃佛瑞蒙德! ”

The officer looked up from his slip of paper for a moment . we have new laws , evr monde , and new offences , since you were here “你離開法國以后我們有了新的法律,埃佛瑞蒙德,和新的定罪標準。 ”

But , the evr monde people are to be exterminated , and the wife and child must follow the husband and father 但是埃佛瑞蒙德一家可得要斬草除根,老婆和孩子必須跟丈夫和爸爸去。 ”