
mond n.蒙德〔男子名〕。


This thesis is based on the theory of the unexpected release of energy in safety system engineering and applies the relevant principle in risk assessment . three kinds of methods , such as dow fire & explosion index , ici / mond index , grey clustering procedure and three mathematical models , such as bleve accidental model , vce accidental model , the model of leakage & diffusion of posionous gases are applied to the risk asssessment of lpg terminal 本文以安全系統工程中的能量意外釋放理論為理論基礎,根據安全評價的相關原理,綜合運用三種方法:道氏火災爆炸指數法、 ici mond法、灰色聚類法以及三個模型: bleve事故傷害模型、 vce事故傷害模型、有毒氣體泄漏擴散模型,對液化石油氣碼頭的儲運進行了風險綜合評價。

It is well known that wolfe type and mond - weir type duals are important duals in mathematical programming . professor xu ( ref . 35 ) firstly introduced a mixed type dual in multiobjective programming , which is more general and flexible than the above two duals . recently , it was pointed out that if a function is invex , then it is f - convex by ref . 37 and vice versa 我們知道,在所有的對偶規劃中, wolf型和mond - weir型對偶是兩類重要的對偶,而徐教授在文獻[ 35 ]中,又針對多目標規劃首次提出了混合型對偶的概念,它比以上提及的兩類重要對偶,更具一般性和靈活性。

78 on its journey to island harbourview will continue to be re - routed via cherry street westbound , hoi king street northbound , pok man street westbound and sham mond road northbound before resuming its normal routeing , to facilitate the works of kcrc kowloon southern link 78號往維港灣途中,將繼續改經櫻桃街西行海景街北行博文街西行及深旺道北行,然后恢復行走原來路線,以便進行九鐵九南線的工程。

To account for the observed accelerations in galaxies , mond predicts a smaller force ? hence , less gravity - producing mass ? than newtonian dynamics does [ see illustration on page 44 ] 因此mond只需要較小的力,也就是較少產生重力的質量,就可以解釋星系中觀察到的加速度(參見暗物質之外的選擇) 。

Orbital velocities in spiral galaxies , instead of declining with increasing distance from the galactic center , flatten out to a constant value , as predicted by mond 螺旋星系中的軌道速度并不會隨著離開星系中心的距離增加而不停降低,它會平緩下來成為一固定值。

Deutschland bereitet eine eigene mission zum mond vor . wenn die bundesregierung kommendes jahr zustimmt , k ? nnte 2013 eine unbemannte sonde den erdtrabanten umkreisen 德國正為一項任務做準備。若聯邦政府來年決定,在2013年一個無人探測器將開始圍繞地球衛星城。

In section 5 , mond - weir type dual and wolfe type dual are introduced and the mixed type dual proposed by xu zengkun is discussed 第五節介紹了mond - weir對偶和wolfe對偶,并重點討論了徐增坤教授提出的混合型對偶。

The main reason is that mond has not been incorporated into a theory that obeys the principles of relativity , either special or general 最主要的原因是mond還無法納入一個滿足(狹義與廣義)相對論原理的理論里。

Le mond , the b . b . c , the new york times , the entire arab press , all quote heikal at length 法國的《世界報》 、英國廣播公司、美國《紐約時報》及整個阿拉伯報界,都經常大量引用海卡爾的話。

The higher the mass , the farther out the effects of mond set in 質量愈大, mond的效果會在愈遠處出現。

Mond was unconcerned in the conspiracy . 蒙德與這陰謀無關。