
monazite n.【地質學;地理學】獨居石。


Baised on tradition technology , the key product procedure were improvd on extractive mine decompose procedure of monazite in alkali , the new technology can resolve the longer tradition craft flow of vapour sequence heating be prone to emit chamfer higher energy consume 、 unstabilize operation low decompose rate , it can lower produce costing 150 yuan / t , decompose rate can be advanced 2 % 摘要在傳統工藝的基礎上,對獨居石精礦處理的關鍵工序堿分解進行了改進,重點解決了原工藝蒸汽加熱連續分解的工藝流程長、易冒槽、耗能高、不穩定及分解率相對較低的問題,降低噸處理精礦生產成本150元左右,提高分解率2 %左右。

The wall rock of ore - bodies is the siliceous dolostone and alkaline volcanic rock ( trachy andesite ) in the yinachang deposit . based on the shape of ore - bodies and the structure and texture of ores , the deposit was identificed as synsedimentary with wall rocks . there occurred ree minerals , such as bastnaesite , monazite and allanite , associated with apatite and fluorite with ree contents to a certain extent 礦體產出形態和礦石的結構構造等均顯示礦體與賦礦地層同沉積特征;出現獨立礦物氟碳鈰礦、獨居石及褐簾石,磷灰石、螢石、菱鐵礦等礦物中也含有一定量的稀土,沿礦體走向和垂向稀土元素變化不大。

The characteristic frequencies of the raman and infrared spectra of the fergusonite and aeschynite group minerals , monazites and the rare earth fluoro - carbonate minerals have been determined and assigned ( 3 )變生態礦物拉曼光譜的強度很弱、譜線寬而彌散,而退火晶態礦物的拉曼譜峰強而尖銳。

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of total rare earth and thorium oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法稀土和釷氧化物總量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of zirconium oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化鋯量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of sillicon oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化硅量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of titanium oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化鈦量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of phosphor oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化磷量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of thorium oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化釷量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of yttrium oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化釔量的測定

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of calcium oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化鈣量的測定

Methode for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of iron oxide content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法氧化鐵量的測定

Study on visible photoluminescence and absorption spectra of monazite in bayan obo 白云鄂博獨居石的光致發光譜和吸收譜研究

Methods for chemical analysis of monazite concentrates - determination of water content 獨居石精礦化學分析方法水分的測定