
monastic adj.1.修道院的;廟宇的,寺院的。2.僧侶的;修道士...


Monastic or “ leaving - home “ means to forsake the binding affections of one s family . every religion bears the same ideal to extend its heart , and go beyond birth and death 出家離開家庭綁住的感情是叫出家,不管是什么宗教,都有一樣的理想,把心擴大,看開生死。

It was my first year as a monastic disciple , and my birthday was approaching . i wanted to transfer the merits derived from a whole day of meditation to my parents 剛出家的第一年,快到生日的前幾天,我內心一直渴望能在生日那天整日打坐,把功德回向給往生的父母。

After the buddha s cremation , mahakasyapa said to the monastics , “ we shall ask the celestial beings and guards to protect the buddha s relics 火葬佛的金身以后,摩訶迦葉跟比丘眾這樣講:佛的舍利,我們應該交代天人或是護法崇拜,變成福田。

Noticing my startled expression , my husband asked if something was wrong . i quickly asked him , “ did you see a monastic practitioner in a white monastic robe ? 先生看我愣愣的,就問我怎么了,我趕快問他:你有沒有看到穿白色僧服的出家人?

Master s training is even more effective than military training , for even the older monastic disciples managed to keep pace with the rest of the group 師父的訓練比軍中對軍人的訓練還有效,因為連手腳緩慢年紀大的出家眾也都能跟得上。

Other religions also have their monastic people . though they wear different clothes and live in different ways , they are regarded as monastic people 別的宗教也有出家人,大家穿不一樣的衣服,生活方式也不大一樣,不過他們都算出家人。

One day , i prepared a sumptuous breakfast to serve master , but a monastic disciple told me , sister xiao , why have you prepared so much food 有一次我準備了豐富的早餐,想請師父享用,但出家師卻說:蕭師姊,你怎么煮得如此豐盛?

This book describes thecla as “ an apostle of god , “ who , sometimes traveled and at other times lived a monastic life in a cave 她時而云游,時而居于洞穴中過著僧侶般的生活,同時她也是一位靈性導師,教導人們聽從上帝的神諭。

Sometimes i instruct the monastic disciples to do a lot of work that exceeds their so - called capabilities . however , this is good ; its training 有時候師父叫他們出家人工作很多,超過他們所謂的能力,不過這樣才好,訓練嘛!

Being monastic means that they have renounced everything for god , to serve god , and to spread god s truth to the multitude 出家人意思是說他們放下一切為了上帝,要侍奉上帝,要把上帝的道理傳揚給大家,講給大眾聽。

With the dissolution of the monasteries in the 1530s , monastic fishponds disappeared along with the monks , and fish became politically suspect 16世紀30年代,隨著修道院逐漸瓦解,里面的魚塘也隨修道士消失了。

Look at my clothes ; they don t look like monastic robes . as long as your hearts are not attached , you don t look like lay people either 你們看師父的衣著,也不像出家人,只要你們心不執著,你們也不像在家人。

In teaching you about spiritual practice , i have never demanded that you all become monastic practitioners and go into the himalayas 師父教你們修行,并沒有要你們統統都變成出家人,然后跑到喜馬拉雅山去。

Pisces bosses are fine in creative and monastic fields , otherwise , don ' t expect them to stay around too long 雙魚座的老板在創造性和神學的領域很擅長,但是在其他方面,你可別指望他們能呆上太長的時間。

For example will we be destined to be a leader , healer , builder , teacher , student , warrior , monastic , parent , etc 例如我們往生成為一個領導、醫生、建筑工人、教師、學生、戰士、僧侶、父母親等等?

They like monastics , thinking , “ it s fine for someone else s child to become a monastic , but not mine 他應該結婚傳宗接代,應該博士畢業當律師等等賺錢,和最漂亮最乖的女孩結婚生小孩。

Monastic people truly deserve people s admiration , not because of their outer appearance , but because of their inner ideal 出家人是真正值得人家贊嘆,因為他們里面的理想,不是因為外表。

The monastic disciple gave him one more challenge : “ to become a monk under master , you have to shave your head bald . 但出家師又說:跟師父當和尚,要剃光頭哦!他說:剃光頭就剃光頭。

This is a story from india . once an enlightened master asked his disciple to renounce the world and join his monastic order 印度有一個故事:有一位明師叫他的徒弟放下世界,來跟他出家。