
monastery n.修道院,寺院,廟宇。


Lamas with the sera monastery debating on sutras 色拉寺的喇嘛在辯經

An ancient monastery in the shaddow of trees 悠久的歷史古寺楊柳間

Ten thousand buddhas monastery appears on the following banknote 香港萬佛寺出現于下列錢鈔

Life in a monastery or convent 修道院生活在修道院或女修道院里的生活

The monks live in a large monastery 這些修道士居住在一個大修道院里。

Inside the main hall of the palpung sherabling monastery 尊貴的法王子第十二世大司徒仁波切

. . . and mothers superior have much autonomy in their own monasteries 和教母各自有自治權利

They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries 現在他們被關在重兵把守的修道院里。

They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries 他們現在被關在戒備森嚴的修道院內。

The up - monastery and the middle monastery at mogao grottoes 敦煌北朝壁畫中的射箭圖像研究

They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries 他們現在被監禁在防守森嚴的廟宇里。

L know it ' s in that monastery , l know it , 我知道它就在修道院里,我知道

I went to this trappist monastery a couple years ago 數年前,我曾經去過一所苦修派修道院

Shwenandaw kyaung golden palace monastery atumashi pagoda ”金皇宮寺院

In 80 s rinpoche rebuilt a kagyu monastery in ladak in india 法照攝于2005年10月18日,

So he went to asia to visit some of those monasteries 然后他去了亞洲,去瞻仰那里的寺院

The study of disyllabic words in temples and monasteries in luoyang 中的雙音節虛詞研究

Shoton festival , the zhaibung monastery holds buddha 法號齊鳴參加雪頓節

They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries 現在寺院已被戒嚴。